
374 41 40

Location: Earth


I can't seem to understand it, but people with a smaller build always seem to move faster. And Hongjoong is no exception. Maybe it's the air resistance. I really don't know.

He rushes through the kitchen, gathering all the supplies he requires for the feeding of his other family. The ones that he quotes "aren't allowed to stay in the house as they'd eat everything". Anyways, he's running around and explaining just as quickly that I wished I could fly so I could keep up with him.

The basket nestled in the crook of his arm quickly fills with various foods and feeding tools from around the kitchen. Varying from vegetables to raw strips of bacon.

Once he finishes gathering everything he needs, and takes a breather at the door, he whistles for the baby dragon and they both head out while I gleefully follow, appreciating that I finally get to leave the house without having to sneak out.

The air outside is refreshing due to the wind flowing from the mountains. Fresh air is such a blessing after being stuck in the house.

Hongjoong heads off down the slope the garden is on with the baby dragon padding along beside him. The young dragon clearly loves him very much, as he keeps staring up at the taller human with the most adoring eyes. Oh, how I wish someone would look at me in that way!

The stable isn't far from the house, considering that he has to walk there every day. Baby somehow manages to get there before us. The advantage of four legged creatures... (4 legs good, 2 legs bad?)

The amount of noise emitted from the stable is unholy. Like, if they didn't stay in the middle of nowhere, neighbours would come from left, right, up, down, everywhere to complain. They probably should be thankful about that.

Hongjoong doesn't seem affected by the noise though. He walks up to the stable door and raps on it twice, sharply. Then, in a just as sharp movement, he signals me to come forward as he pushes the door open.

"Good morning!"

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now