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Location: Earth



The angel rushed over to the human that by now he owed his very life, and even his heart to. It couldn't be seen with the naked eye, but the amount of love he now possessed for this poor human being that had willingly handed all his effort, care and even brought out all the secrets he hid deep within himself, had cut through his own soul. He cared for something, someone.

Vaguely, he remembered reading something in that medicine cabinet, or was it on the poster on the door? Nevermind. He placed two fingers on the wrist of the fallen human, feeling for a pulse. There was one, thank goodness. Kneeling down next to the human on the carpeted floor, he dug one arm behind the neck and one under the knees.

Thankfully, the human wasn't heavy. What a relief. Seonghwa easily picked Hongjoong up and carried him to his bedroom. He tucked him under the covers the way a loving mother would, then left the room quietly to get a couple supplies.

The medicine cabinet was stocked. It took a while, but the angel gathered everything he seemed necessary and headed back to the humans bedroom.

There, he noticed that Hongjoong was awake once again.

"Are you alright? You collapsed, so based on that I infer you're very ill?"

"How did I end up here?"

"Well, that doesn't matter right now, what matters is we get you up and running again. Here, take the medicine. Hope I got the right one."

"Oh, you'd better. The wrong one can kill in some cases."

"Ooh um."


Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry, it's been so long since I updated this. But here's another chapter, its pretty short, but I hope you still enjoy it. Thanks for being here and supporting me all this way. :)

Love you all so so much! <3

~cey xoxo

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now