
337 40 36

Location: Earth


The Hippogriff's Tale

"In the case of the hippogriff, however, it was also much, much different from the previous two."

*one year ago*

It was also on one of those days when I went into town. Like seriously, what is wrong with that town?! They seem to have the weirdest happenings.

Anyway, I was another grocery run, as per usual. Except unlike the previous few times, this time I was actually still shopping for my things. Okay, this might be very tmi but I was actually in the coffee aisle, seeing as we run out once again. Guess who tipped over the whole packet over himself and ended up smelling like coffee for a week even though I gave him a bath.

But I digress.

This chapter ain't about that baby.

I was just casually minding my own business, wandering up and down the aisle, wondering if I should get any at all. After all, there would be less potential for spills if there isn't anything to spill. It was at this moment when there was a loud thundering sound from outside the store.

Now that's different. And unique.

It sounded like hooves against pavement. By the way, despite how backwards this town may seem in terms of morals, especially in hunting, they aren't that technologically challenged. They do use cars, okay?

Which is why it was surprising to hear the sound of, probably a horse?

And my attention was completely compromised. I hurried out of the store first, leaving my basket in the coffee aisle. By the time I reach the entrance, the galloping can only be heard faintly in the distance. But of course, it caught other peoples' attention too, so it became a game of "follow the crowd".

Not wanting to draw any attention, I decided to walk about a few metres behind, so at least I could still keep up, but not too close. 

I followed them all the way to the centre of the town square, where lo and behold, flying above fountain was the Pegasus from before. But that wasn't what drew the attention. Standing on the top of the fountain, wondering what in the world it was doing up there, was a Hippogriff. It was rather small, so maybe it's also a child, I don't know... (damn it's my story and idk either xD)

Anyway, all the citizens are screaming bloody murder at the poor, scared thing, and I knew I had to step in. Instead of squeezing closer to the fountain, I run back to the store. I know some of you might be wondering might be wondering what I'm doing but don't worry, I have a plan.

Heading out of the store, I make my way back to the forest. The forest where all the dreams happen. A light flapping and soft tap sound from behind me, and I know exactly what it is. "Hey, buddy, do you think you can get your friend to come here? I might know how to get them off his back."

The Pegasus nods, and takes off once again. Meanwhile, I make my way over to  the cliff side. The stairs carved into the side is still there, so maybe it's a permanent fixture now. Slowly, because it can't hurt to be careful and I don't want to slip, I walk down the stairs and over to the cliff wall. It is really high if you look up. Perfect for what I'm gonna do.

Now all I need to do is play the waiting game.

It isn't long before I hear the thundering of hooves mixed in with the flapping of wings. The Pegasus easily flies down to meet me, while the hippogriff somehow seems almost afraid, to fly? Instead, it makes its way down the stairs and over to where I was. He seemed to have no hesitation whatsoever. Almost like he knew that since its life was on the line, it had nothing to lose.

Okay so I know this is a rather ridiculous plan, but at that point I couldn't think of anything else.

Quickly, I beckon the creature over and take what I bought out. Ketchup. I'm guessing you now know what the plan was.

Now that its so called "death" is planned and prepared... well... I guess it's time to see if they can be fooled.

The thundering footsteps from above grows louder and I feel certain that they're gonna see us, so I hurry the creature over to the side of the wall and lay him down, ketchup side up. Which sounds extremely funny but we gotta do what we gotta do at this point.

The Pegasus flies away. Maybe I'll see it in the future. I run over underneath one of the overhanging rocks on the side to hide. And not a moment too soon.

The hunters hurry over and I hear an "ooof", and "well looks like our jobs done". I have a sincere feeling that these hunters don't have any brains, but alright.  They walk off.

I hurry back to the hippogriff and whisper: "You alright, little friend? I'm sorry I had to do that to you, I don't really like ketchup either."

The hippogriff looks up and speaks, a quiet caw that sounds a bit like laughter. It's a joker, isn't it? I mean, I have to agree, it is kinda funny. Before long, I'm also sat on the ground, laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Well, let me get you home, and you definitely need a bath..."

*in the present time*

"So... I know this is totally irrelevant, but did you get your groceries in the end?"

"Um... Well... No. Someone was extremely displeased when he didn't get his coffee the next day. And I was forced to go back and get it for him." XD


I'm so sorry that this update is so late! I didn't have many ideas on how to write this part and writers block contributed a lot. Normally I update the day befores night and not on the day itself but well, there's always a first for everything. :(

Anyway, I hope you still enjoyed this update! Thanks for being here to support this story, even though it's not the best but still. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

~cey xx

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