
345 41 25

Location: Earth


I think I was expecting it, but I was still surprised when the stable door opened to reveal four other mythical creatures within their little paddocks of sorts. It explained the weird variety of food Hongjoong selected earlier.

In the farthest end of the stable is a unicorn with a Pegasus opposite it. Nearer to the entrance are a griffin and a hippogriff. There is also a perch near the doorway, but it appears the owner of that home wasn't in.

"Did you guys have a good rest? I hope you did, that storm was pretty terrible. Wouldn't have been able to if I were you. You're all ready for breakfast aren't you, you greedy folk."

Hongjoong seemed to be communicating with the animals, but also seemed to just be talking to himself.

"By the way, this is Seonghwa, he's an angel, and he'll be staying with us for a while, okay? I'm just showing him around for today, so please don't act up."

Okay, now that was weird. Weirder than weird even.

I decide to just stand at the entrance, and wait for Hongjoong to finish feeding all of his animals.

He seems to care for them very much, and somehow, I wish somebody actually cared for me as much as he did for his loved ones.

Once again, I was cut out of my thoughts by Hongjoong's voice. "Hey, I can't seem to find Sangie, so I'll be heading out to locate him. Want to come along? I can show you approximately where he'd be, not that you'd ever need to but still..."

"Sure. I did ask if I could help around, since I'm not that injured anymore, and maybe I could help you to feed the animals some days?"

"That's not a bad idea! I could work out an arrangement. Thanks! I really could do with the help sometimes. Where were you when I needed you sooner?"

Well, I might be an angel, but I don't control fate...

"Anyways, let's go find Sangie."

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now