
385 50 19

Location: Earth


I see the angel step out from the corridor and feel a wave of relief coarse through me despite the extreme fear I was feeling. "He's right here, in the living room where you are, and he doesn't seem afraid anymore!"

If I wasn't feeling so afraid, I would have leapt up to hug him, but my body is preventing me from moving right now.

He slowly walks over to the sofa and sits down next to me. There's an awkward silence, before he finally asks, "are you okay?"

I'm so overwhelmed and conflicted by his concern that his words bring another wave of waterworks. "What do you mean by okay?" I choke out.

"I just mean, genuinely okay. It's not a trick question."

"Well, do I look okay to you?"



"Would you tell me about it?"


"Tell me what is it you're so afraid of. Why are you and baby both so afraid of thunderstorms."

"What good would that do?"

"Ummmmmm... I'm assuming you've never told anybody about this fear of yours? If you tell me, I can share the burden with you. You'll only be taking half the weight. I care about your feelings, and it's upsetting to see you upset."


"I-I mean that you could just share it with me, so I can understand you better. It, um, it isn't personal."

He's stuttering, and it's adorable.

"B-but you d-don't have to if you're uncomfortable talking about it."

"That's alright, you have a right to know. It was a harmless question. I'm just not in the right state at the moment."

I pause for second.

"I'll have to start from the beginning..."

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now