
523 69 26

Location: Heaven


By the time I make it to the edge, the enemy has almost caught up. I start running down the literal 'stairway to heaven'. It exists by the way. You just don't see it until you pass, or unless you're an angel. Either way, you only see it if you're going to heaven. Or in my case, escaping from heaven.

There actually isn't a big difference between heaven and hell. Still the dogooders and baddies, but in heaven, they reward the positive and deal with the evils of nature as they should be dealt. If you don't know, it's the opposite in hell. Maybe I should have considered being a devil's soul tracker instead. But no time to regret or think of that now, my first priority is to GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!

I run down the stairs as quickly as I possibly can. Wings are just a hindrance here, because apparently "you have to go through hardship and trials before you can be considered worthy of blessings". That's just crap at this point.

Anyways, I'm running down the stairs in the opposite direction, scaring all the recently departed souls making their way up to "paradise". It isn't long before I see the bottom of the stairs.

I'm already panting. I don't have the best stamina, but at least I've made it.

I pause for a second, standing at the edge, ready to jump off into the earth's boundaries and escape from capture. I unfurl my wings and get ready to fly away. Unfortunately, that one second was all the other angels needed to fire one of their paralysation darts at me. It hits me in the wings, and I immediately feel the serum course through my body, making me go limp.

Worse of all, since I'm standing at the edge of heaven, when I went limp, I lost my balance as well, making me fall of the edge of the stairway.

With the loss of usage of my wings, I plummet straight down to earth, gravity dragging me just as it would a regular person.

All I remember is landing right in a tangle of rose bushes before passing out.

Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now