
335 39 20

Location: Earth


The Unicorn's Story


However, there was one wound which was... Particularly bad.

Hongjoong would never get that image out of his mind.

Now, how was he supposed to help the poor thing?


From up high at the cliff top, the unicorn looked really small due to the distance. Now that he was up close, Hongjoong realized that the unicorn was indeed very smol. Must be a foal or filly. How could they treat such a young soul so crually?! 

The unicorn whinnied in tiny, and Hongjoong's heart just ~melted~. That sound seemed so full of fear, so full of terror, but within it came a hint of hope, almost like it knew, with this human around, there was a chance, an opportunity for it to live. 

Its horn had been sawed off at a point close to its head, leaving about an inch of it left. Sparkles were drifting out of it, but they were slowly and steadily lessening. That's when Hongjoong realized, those sparkles were the unicorn's magic. Once all the magic disappeared from it, the unicorn would die. 

This is a disaster. Hongjoong panicked. He did NOT want this unicorn to die. After all the effort he went through to get here, he was not going to let all that go to waste. He knelt down beside the creature and picked it up gently.

It was so light! He hadn't expected a small horse to feel like that. It felt almost weightless... maybe the magic was at work again.

Fortunately he had thought to bring the medical supplies, but on the unfortunate side, he had left the box in the car. What an idiot.

However, he forgot that he was in the presence of magical creatures. An environment influenced by their nature. In a poof of sparkles, his entire medicine cabinet appeared in front of him. He did not bring the cabinet with him, by the way. He had only brought the box. Well, had he known the magical capabilities of these creatures earlier, he wouldn't have needed to bring anything XD.

Now that he had essentially every single supply that he needs, he would finally be able to fulfil what he had come for. The unicorn no longer had the strength to even lift up its head.

He knelt down beside the injured one, only turning around for a second when he heard the sound of flapping behind him. The Pegasus. Of course, they must be friends.

Now, that he could see the Pegasus up close, he realised that it was also smaller than he expected. Both of the horse like creatures were young. What in the world were they doing all alone?!

A soft whinny drew his attention back to the unicorn, and instantly he felt sorry at having his attention dispersed.

He focused on the unicorn, entirely intent on getting the job done. He cleaned the wounds, almost getting kicked due to the smarting nature of alcohol swabs, patched them up and added an additional layer of protection in the form of cotton cushioning and bandages. Almost as if the thing had broken all its legs, which he wouldn't have doubted if it had.

The unicorn looked much better already; the bandages were white, which made them blend in with its coat, apart from its horn, which Hongjoong couldn't do anything about. The poor thing would now have to live its whole life with most of its horn missing.

At least it wasn't losing anymore blood.

Steadily, the glistening sparkles pouring from its horn started to thicken. It appeared to be regaining some of its magic back.

Within minutes, the creature was back up on its four spindly legs. If only humans healed that fast. Guess that only happens if you're magical...

The Pegasus flew off. Guess they aren't friends after all.

The unicorn stumbled over to Hongjoong. It already looked a million times better than half an hour ago.

Its legs were weak, but it still made its way over and nuzzled the human's legs, as if to say "thank you for saving my life".
Hongjoong's heart melted again. He petted the unicorn foal's head, making sure to avoid the horn, which was now blunt but still, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit careful.

That's when he saw an intense amount of magical sparkles leave the unicorn's horn, and he felt the world start to spin.

*to be continued*

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