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Location: Earth


Gathering the supplies for the other members of the household is easier said than done. I run from one side of the kitchen to the other, grabbing the items I require. The whole while that I was doing this, the baby dragon, who had already finished his meal, just sat there and followed me across the room with his eyes. It's cute, I can't deny it, but not very helpful when you're in a rush and you just want to grab him and give him a hug from how adorable he is.

After running a couple laps around the room, I pick up my basket of food and open the back door. Jongho, seeing the slight gap in the doorway, squeezes through and runs ahead of me. He needs the exercise too. I, on the other hand, take a slow walk down to the stable.

By the time I get there, the baby dragon, who got there way before me, had already wore off his exhaustion. He jumped around in play a few times, then lay down beside the doorway and waited for me to go in. Weirdly, he would always come all the way here with me, but never went in. Maybe he sensed the generation gap between him and the others. (A/N: 99z vs 00liner??)

The hangry noises only got louder and louder as I moved closer to the entrance.

Knocking twice on the door, I push my way into the stable. I yell out a "good morning" as I enter, drawing the attention of all the inhabitants. Whinnies and caws come from all around. Clearly, they were all eager to get started with their breakfast.

I start from the innermost side, where the ones that are mostly vegetarian stay. On the left, a Pegasus, and on the right, a unicorn. I tend to be a bit wary of the unicorn, as he does have clumsiness tendencies, and could easily poke my eye out. They both enjoy nice fresh carrots and juicy apples in the morning, so that's usually what I try to get. It's amazing how they are different species, but have similar preferences.

Today, they both seem a little calmer than usual, so I feed them both from the palm of my hand, feeling their wet lips nuzzle for the delicacies. Once all the food is gone, I move on to the next two.

The following two are both definitely meat eaters. They are more similar than the previously mentioned horse-like creatures, but at the same time vastly different. One of them is a griffin, and the other, a hippogriff. Both their upper halves are that of eagles, but their hind quarters defer. One is a lion and one is a horse.

As they are both strict carnivores, I give them the extra bacon I fried. If I can afford it, I try to get raw meat as they prefer that, but I can't always get it. But whatever, to them, meat is meat, just differentiated by good meat, or better than good meat.

They gobble up their food in two seconds flat.

I look over to the perch hanging next to the doorway. It was vacant. The owner of that home had gone out. I bade a goodbye to the other four and went outside to look for our missing member.

Jongho was still sitting right outside the stable where I'd left him, scratching at an itch on the back of his head. He must have been going at it for a while now, because when I come out, he gives me a look of desperation and defeat. I bend down and scratch at the spot for him, and he lets out a contented chuff of relief.

I stand there for a while, looking around for the absent creature while the baby played with my shoelaces.

It takes me a few minutes, but I finally manage to locate my lost family. He's sitting up at the top of one of the trees, staring at the sun and preening at his feathers.

"Sangie! Breakfast!"

He comes swooping down, landing on one of the shorter trees so I can hang his feeder easily. As he's about to start eating, he bows his head once at me, as if he were giving thanks. I smile at him and gesture that it is alright for him to start eating.

Yeosang is a very unique phoenix. Most phoenixes have plumages of reds, oranges and yellows. His is different. He has the standard red, but that's where the similarities end. Where on his body should be orange or yellow, he has a soft pink and white. Maybe that's why he was chased out of his flock. However, I find his differences are what makes him beautiful.

He spends most of his time alone, like he was doing moments before, usually at the tops of trees where he knows the others are least likely to bother him. I think by now they know the consequences of messing with a cranky phoenix.

My polite bird finishes up his oatmeal and bacon bits, so I take the feeder off the tree, place it in my basket, whistle for Jongho to follow me, and head back to the house.


I had a great time writing this chapter, and I hoped you enjoyed reading it more than I did writing it!

Fun fact: I was actually going to make somebody a zouwu, as it is currently one of my fav mythical creatures, especially after watching fantastic beasts, but I changed my mind cause I didn't know how to link it to the other characters lol also I kind of found out that zouwus are vegetarian, and I wanted a balance of meat and plant eaters...

Anyways, thank you for giving this book a chance, and I look forward to seeing you in the chapter 8! :)


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