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Location: Earth


The Griffin's Chronicle

"Now, moving on to the others, the next one I found was the griffin. His was a little bit, well, unique. Unlike the others, he did have a home, it wasn't an ideal one, but it was still a home. He was abused so badly you'd hardly believe that this would be him a year later. Even to me, the one trying to heal him, it was a miracle..."

*1 year ago*

All over the town where I went for groceries were plastered with posters about the upcoming circus. To be honest, I never really liked the circus, or maybe I got scarred from Dumbo, I really don't know. But anyway, they were everywhere.

A few days later, the train pulled in. It was one of those iconic red ones complete with the animal cars and whatnot.

I wasn't there when it happened, but I definitely saw it the second time I went for groceries. They had already unloaded most of the things. There were loads upon loads of acrobat accessories, hoops and miscellaneous items.

But out of everything, the thing that distraught me the most, was the appearance of a very disturbing cage.

It had spikes lining the interior, every single one of those points directing towards the centre. At the moment, there wasn't any animal present within those bars, but I knew that sooner or later once the circus ended, some poor creature would be latched out from its freedom.

But the spikes weren't even the worse of it. Attached to one of the bars was a wire leading to a socket, which wasn't plugged in at the moment. An electric cage, complete with spikes. What in the world were they doing to the poor thing?

He decided to investigate. After going home and feeding the others first. While he wanted to ensure the safety of another creature, he had his own to take care of. They were his priority.

In the late hours of the night, Hongjoong snuck out the house and drove back to the town. The street lamps were all on, the only lights illuminating the road. He drove along, barely making any noise, which was a miracle in itself.

Eventually, he made it to the circus campsite. Opening the car door silently, he tiptoed past the mini tents and over to the train.

Hongjoong snuck into one of the emptied out carriages and stayed in there until he heard the last few lights being turned off. Then, he left the safety of that train car and went in search of the cage. Where the cage is, there most likely would be the creature.

He listened very carefully for the sound of static electricity. In the dead of night, even the smallest sounds were easily heard.

A few seconds later, he heard the sound of a zzzzrrt followed by a snap. Then, the loud stomping and squeals of an unidentifiable creature. Obviously you know what it was, but at the time I didn't. It was scary.

Hongjoong swallowed down his fear and trekked towards the noise. It appeared to be coming from a train car near the back of the line. As he got closer, the whimpers of pain got gradually louder.

He reached the train car, which appeared to be left unlocked. It was almost as if they were certain the creature would not be able to escape. The train car floor was rather high off the ground, and being a rather short human being himself it was a little difficult, but Hongjoong still managed to hoist himself into the carriage.

The sight in front of him made him want to weep.

Inside the cage, not just trapped, but additionally bound by chains was an animal with the body of a lion, but the head of an eagle. A griffin.

Had Hongjoong not been keeping a dragon, phoenix, unicorn and hippogriff at this point, he would have been shook.

The creature lifted its head up and gave a pitiful caw.

There wasn't any way to get the griffin out from the cage, not without Hongjoong risking his life by touching those lethal cage bars.

How was he supposed to get the creature out?

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