Steve Rogers

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Story line: tempted


"Thank you all for coming to our engagement party" Bucky says smiling as she was next to him smiling at her soon to be husband then looking at there guests.

Everyone had smiled around the Avenger tower as they all were holding glasses in there hands clinking from one another's glasses.

All smiles and laughter's were seen around the room

Talking about the future couple that was y/n and Bucky the new weds along with Tony and Pepper that was the first couple to get married.

"Congrats guys" Bruce says smiling

"Happy for you both" Maria Hill adds while looking at the couple

They were happy expect for one, he stepped out of the balcony and looked out to the view even though he wanted to be there for his best friend he couldn't continue this lie.

Like it didn't happen

"Thought I might find you out here" Sam says looking at his friend

Steve didn't even look his way he just heard his voice knowing what was about to happen next knowing what words were going to come out of his mouth.

"He's your best friend, Steve" Sam trails off

"You like her yes but is it even worth it"

Steve looks at Sam now sighing and thinking hat this girl is really about to break up the bond that he has with Bucky.

It wasn't worth it

Not one bit

But he was tempted to do it

He wouldn't hesitate

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, baby" y/n says smiling kissing Bucky on the cheek then exiting out of the living room.

Steve looked from Sam that was staring down at him then looked towards the girl that wasn't next to his best friend anymore but walking down the halls towards the bathroom probably.

"Steve don't" Sam threatens.

Before his friend could pull him back he was already following y/n as the sounds of her heels didn't make it hard for him to follow her.

He wasn't thinking, the only thing he was thinking about was his lips against hers just like how things were before any of this happened. Before there was a ring involved and promises were being made by another man and his promises were being broken.

Y/n's back was pushed up against the hallway walls as her head had hit the back of the wall thinking it was her fiancé that wanted to fool around away from the guests but when her eyes had adjusted to the person.

"Steve" she says slowly

Steve's eyes were staring down at her glaring and never breaking the eye contact away from her what the two of them had was something special something that even Peggy couldn't come close too.

"Tell me you love him" he says holding her arms with his hands

Y/n sighs knowing that the only one who wasn't happy with this was him and why should he be it wasn't like she had forgotten.

The dreams that y/n would have were the memories of him

"Tell me you love him, y/n dammit" Steve whispers/shouts

"Tell me you haven't been thinking about my lips against your neck tell me that you don't want to kiss me right now" he says slowly

Y/n watched his blue eyes stare directly at her lips as they both were inches apart feeling one another's hot breath against one another.

She was tempted to

Steve wasn't going to hesitate to feel her lips against his once again

Y/n had looked down the empty halls before walking in the bathroom door waiting for Steve to follow as he smiled at her and walked closely behind her as the door had shut behind them locking within a matter of seconds.

"You have to be quite, princess" Steve whispers in her ear

There hands were roaming one another's bodies as clothes were coming off Steve's lips were on every inch of her body as her eyes were closed and her mouth was opened.

His hands had gripped the sides of her waist as they both had enjoyed every moment of this craving this, Steve knew the places that made her go crazy.

"Have you guys seen, y/n" Bucky asks to the other avengers as they all shook there heads as Sam looked from the bathroom door that is shut knowing exactly where Steve was

"I love you" Steve says looking into her eyes as both his hands were holding each side of her face

"Let's leave together will get married" he adds on.

Y/n looks at him then looking at her finger that was wrapped around with a ring that she didn't even wan in the first place.

From a man that she wasn't in love with

"Don't worry, I'll get you a bigger one" Steve says smiling.

"Sam have you seen y/n"

Y/n and Steve both make there way out of the bathroom as Bucky's back was turned towards them both and only Sam watching this brewing mess.

"Hi Buck, congratulations" Steve says putting his arm around his shoulder

Sam watched him before looking at him as Bucky didn't think much of before they all 3 took a sip of there drink as Steve looked at Sam smiling widely as he just rolled his eyes

Y/n walked out to the balcony watching the lights of New York from different buildings as her finger was playing with her ring.

She looked at it slightly not wanting to wear this anymore and this didn't belong to her this was made for someone else.

Arms wrapped around her body but not the arms that she wanted that she missed and craved once again, Bucky had kissed her cheek and held her closely as y/n had shifted under his touch.

"What's wrong, baby" Bucky questions

She didn't even need to start for him to know who this was about he had a feeling that Steve was the problem. He was this close to get away with it but sadly his mission had failed, his head had looked back towards the party that was still going on and Steve talking and smiling with everyone.

Bucky looked from y/n then towards him making his way towards his so called friend as y/n didn't call after him or anything she was waiting for the fight to break out.

Steve smiled and laughed and greeted his best friend again as he entered the room Bucky smiled then looked towards him before throwing the first punch.


"I'm sorry Steve"

"I can't, I'm getting married to Bucky" y/n says leaning against the hallway wall before freeing herself from his grip and walking into the bathroom.

Steve watched as y/n broke his heart once again before turning his head and seeing Bucky standing there watching as he just made a move on his soon to be wife.

"Buck, I can explain" Steve starts to say

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