Captain America

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( this is going to be changed a bit, y/n will be the winter solider but so will Bucky he will already be with Falcon and Captain America and this scene will be where "your my friend" will be said. It will be like Captain America Civil war & Winter solider mixed)

Storyline: real


"You'll be going up against her" Falcon says while looking at him.

He doesn't meet eye contact with him as he looks out the window thinking of the girl that had also fell off the train along with his best friend, Bucky.

The amount of pain he had went through loosing two of the people he had deeply cared about all in one day, the tears started falling off his cheeks as his finger wipes them off.

"Cap" he calls out.

"I know it's for the best" Cap says looking at his partner then walking outside.

Bucky was seen with his metal arm in place where he wouldn't be able to get out just laying there in silence waiting for wither of them to come back. Cap makes his way in the room where his friend and lifted his head up and looked at him waiting for him to say something, Falcon was closely behind him following him.

"Will be going up against, y/n" he finally says.

Bucky had looked at him wide eyed thinking about her name how it was familiar, she was the other person that had went through the process with him of asking a weapon. Everything they did to him they did to her and even worse he remembered those nights of hearing her screams from the lab room and the amount of times they drained her brain and did it all over again each time she remembered anything about her life.

"This is bad" Bucky says finally.

"I know, suit up" Cap adds.


She was seen destroying anything that could make this mission complete by killing the pilots and shooting anyone that could get in her way, destroying the planes were the one thing that was seen on the platform.

Falcon and Captain America were seen flying then landing on the platform with Bucky getting on the platform from the other side.

"There she is" Falcon shouts.

Seeing y/n hold a gun in her hand making Cap's heart break a little seeing what Hydra had made out of her a monster that was trapped and held hostage. Her eyes looked up seeing the target that they had told her to watch out for, them who would mostly certain get in her way, her hand went on the side of her leg to grab a knife.

Before Falcon could fly and shoot towards her she had grabbed one of his wings and pulled it harshly down as he was now flying through mid air with one wing.

"Cap I'm off"

"I'll come get you"

"No if this is going to end, you need to end it"

Y/n was seen guarding whatever they needed to complete the mission as Bucky was staring at her as she was dressed like the Winter solider that had haunted him and made him into something he wasn't all these years.

Captain America was also right by his side staring at the girl he had met then going into ice after meeting the love of his life.

She stared them down, as Cap had slowly started making his way towards her.

"Y/n we know your in there" Bucky says slowly.

Y/n doesn't move as she was waiting for one of them to attack and charge towards her but they both didn't want to hurt there friend, because she couldn't control on what they did to her. Bucky lifted up his sleeve revealing the metal arm that had brought back so many bad memories , as her eyes look at it now completely distracting her.

"They also did this to me" he says.

She then aims her gun towards him making Cap throw his shield at her as she quickly throws it out her way making the shield go the opposite way as they both charge towards her. Y/n was trained to kill and that's exactly what she was going to do even if they were friends at one point of her life that she just couldn't remember.

Her hands caught there punches as she kicked them grabbed her weapons as they knocked them out of her hands as now Y/n and Bucky were fighting. They were trained the same way as the both of them caught there punches' and ducked whenever they tried to do something the other did, the both of them knew when the other was going to hit.

Finally y/n had knocked him out with something that he didn't even learn.

Cap's blood face was shown as drips of his blood were all over his face looking at the girl that he once told his bestfriend about.

He took of his helmet and threw it on the ground.

"I'm not going to fight you, your my friend my girl" he says.

"Your my mission" she says attacking him punching him countless of times.

"Then finish it, because then I'm leaving my best girl"

Y/n looks at him breathless as all the memories make an appearance back into her head as she had stepped back off him and looked around then looked at her hands how blood was all around them.

Then everything went black.

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