Winter solider

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Storyline: old friend

" You called"

"I need your help, he killed my father"

She was already out the door once those words had fell out of her friends mouth on the other side of the phone, as he had probably had a suit ready for her like the old days.

His father was a close friend to hers as well, before everything that had happened in her life he was the one to give her shelter and advice to help her throughout what was happening in it. Y/n was all by herself when things started happening to her such as these powers that she couldn't control anymore.

But something stronger was happening at the time, flashbacks that she couldn't even remember they were happening.

She would always see this one guy that looked just like her, just in male version experiencing the same things she was going through. But she doesn't even know his name let alone who he is, so that led her to question everyone in her life because maybe she did meet him just wasn't paying attention when it had happened.

"It's always a pleasure,, y/n" her friend says greeting her.

"Didn't know you were going to be in the full suit" y/n says smiling.

He chuckles before taking of his mask revealing his face as he was smiling at his family friend then turning around to reveal her suits that she use to wear beside him. Bringing back the duo that was always a part of her, her fingers had touched the fabric of the sleeves before smiling.

" It has consequences"

"Don't they always"

Black Panther and y/n were both waiting for this so called "killer" to come running from the people that were going to arrest him any second now, since his face was now on the news everywhere. Y/n was playing with the sleeves that were covering her metal arm that she wanted to forget so easily because in the end she doesn't remember how she got it in the first place.

"Y/n you ready" Black Panther shouts.

She nods snapping out of her thoughts then running towards the edge of the bridge before her other powers coming out and lifting her up off the ground with Black Panther dangling by her feet. They both land in front of someone that was running away from the people that were firing at him, y/n had taken a step towards him.

"Who's those two" Falcon says through the ear piece.

"I don't know" Captain America says.

Black Panther starts charging towards the guy as a helicopter was now shooting towards the 3 of them y/n instantly handling it jumping towards it, stepping on the ends of it. As her powers were used to destroy it then landing on the ground as it was crashing, y/n then looked back towards Black Panther and the killer.

They both were gone.

"Fuck me" she whispers before jumping off the bridge.

Y/n had started flying towards where all the cars were going towards as she saw her partner hanging on the back of a truck, she had messed with the motorcycle that he was apparently riding making him go flying towards the ground.

He stared at her revealing his arm that made y/n forget how to breath once it was revealed to her, as hers was underneath her sleeve. The cars never stopped going towards them as she still looked at him not wanting to fight him anymore, but was he the boy in her flashbacks.

Everything started becoming really blurry as her breath was caught in her throat as she was now looking around seeing that everything was indeed spinning around, her hands started covering her head.

"What's happening" y/n says.

Her metal arm also starts tingling making the pain start coming back as she had thought it was all in her head, then Black Panther had came into her view. He ran towards the guy that was someone like her possible could he the boy she's been wanting to know about, y/n had used her powers to throw him away from him.

Captain America was ready to tackle Black Panther but because he was thrown into a building he looked at the girl confused. She started walking towards the both of them slowly as Cap had his shield against the both of them, y/n had put her hands up before rolling up the sleeve revealing her metal arm.


"Why didn't you tell me, there were more people like me" y/n shouts at him.

Captain America and Falcon were both in the truck as she was having this conversation with Black Panther her partner who she had thought was her only family. They all sat there in silence exchanging looks at one another as Black Panther just sat there in silence, not wanting to answer it.

"He's the guy from my flashbacks" she screams.

This made Cap now look at his partner before looking at y/n her had just said he was with his best friend all those years ago, once he had fell off that train.

"Because I didn't want to admit that you were someone like them, a killer"

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