(Unlocked) Chris Evans

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Congrats guys, you all have unlocked the part 2 package just like for Tom Holland Imagines of Book 1 this will include all imagines that you guys have wanted and asked for.

In order to unlock these imagines near the future: There needs to be at least 8 imagines that will need any part rather it's 2, 3, or even 4.

But if a imagine is on the 4th part, there won't a 5th part since the 4th part will be the final part of that imagine.

If any of you have any questions, please feel free to comment down below or just message me.

Enjoy x

Story line: cheater pt.2



"Why the other women not satisfy your needs" y/n says looking at Chris

His eyes widen

"What" he says slowly

"I said really, Chris I just put on my makeup and you know our quickies always ruin it" y/n says repeating herself looking at her boyfriend.

Chris lets out a awkward chuckle before looking at his girlfriend as y/n had just looked at him weirdly and confused.

"So is that a yes" he trails off

"I might have to call the other women to see what you like don't you think" y/n says looking at Chris.


"I'm sorry what"

" You cheated on y/n" a voice was loud and echoed through the phone

Chris quickly turned down the volume as the voice on the other end was loud enough to be heard from the other side of the phone.

"Shut up, Scott" he says whispering/ shouting

"I think your just overthinking"

"I mean we all have met Chris he would never" Scarlet says through the phone

Y/n begins to think about it and she was right if anyone had heard what the girl was thinking about right now they called her crazy. It's Chris Evans not some junky ex that had cheating history in the past, he was a literal angel in the movies and in person.

So why would he do it, right

That wouldn't make any sense

Y/n had slowly started walking towards there shared bedroom hearing her boyfriend's voice down the hall not realizing he was in there shared bedroom.

"Shush hold on, I hear his voice" she says into the phone.

"I hate myself that I did that to her, and I regret it so much" Chris starts to say

"What Is he talking about" Scarlet says into the phone as she could hear what he was saying as well.

Before y/n could answer her eyes had widen as her mouth was hanging open as her back had hit the wall not knowing if she should move or not.

"I cheated on y/n multiple times and one of the girls is pregnant" Chris says looking out the window.


"Y/n" Scarlet had called out hearing what the girl also had just heard.

"Scott hold on"

Chris walked out of the room thinking he had heard y/n's voice and someone else's out side of the door but seeing it was empty. Y/n had ran as fast as she could in the nearest room wanting to get out wanting to leave as nothing came out of her mouth, it was dry as the voice of her friend was screaming on the other line.

There was no knock on the door meaning Chris didn't catch her or hear her trying to check up on her he had no clue that his girlfriend had just found out he had cheated on her multiple times with different women and one happening to be pregnant.

She was more shocked then hurt, no tears yet just silence and a broken heart

"Y/n open the front door" Scarlet had shouted through the phone

Her body was numb, like her words went through one ear and out the other her body froze until her brain was screaming for her to get the hell out of there.


Y/n got up and looked at the hallway where Chris was talking on the phone where she had just heard the terrible words that had fell out of his mouth, before moving her feet down the stairs and towards the front door.

The knob was being opened as Scarlet was standing there looking at the broken girl that she had called a close friend.

"Were leaving" she says looking at y/n.

Paps were seen outside of the gate that had held Chris and y/n's safe place they called home but all y/n could think of it was a place where she didn't live anymore.

"Hi, y/n " Robert says softly coming from the car that they both came out of.

She looked at him so numbly not thinking this was real not thinking this was happening that this was her life now.

Chris started coming down the stairs with his phone in his hands before smiling seeing his two friends/ co stars standing in the doorway.

"Hi guys, I didn't know you were both coming over" he says smiling before placing his hand on y/n's waist.

Y/n had turned her head slowly looking at her now ex boyfriend as his skin had touched her before she slightly moved away and started walking out the door.

"Baby where are you going" Chris calls out

"She's leaving you, and it's about fucking time too" Scarlet says looking at his with pure disgust.

"Leaving me for what" Chris questions

"For being everything we didn't expect you to be" Robert says looking at him before punching him square in the face.



It was everywhere, pictures of Robert and Scarlet coming towards the house and leaving with a broken and crying y/n after.

Pictures of y/n crying hysterically as well as she was either covering her hands with her face or screaming in pain inside the car. pictures of Robert swinging on Chris then hiding the two girls face as they walked to his car.

Later that day things were trending on Twitter things were being said over the internet about the Captain America star and all had wondered if the girl was okay.

She wasn't feeling like herself

Y/n had felt sick most of the time and has been throwing up daily it never once crossed her mind that she would be pregnant not right now.

"Is she still in there" Robert asks Scarlet as she just nods her head slowly.

The sounds of y/n throwing up in the toilet from whatever was left in her stomach that she couldn't get out from the last time from puking.

"Y/n have you had taken a test yet"

Chris Evans Imagines Where stories live. Discover now