Chris Evans

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Storyline: breathtaking


"I feel naked" y/n says as each piece of clothing was removed.

The theme to this photoshoot was thin clothing meaning the lest clothing the better and of clothes were going to be on the thinnest shirts as possible. Y/n wasn't wearing a bra either since the photographer wasn't all about that, which made the girl very uncomfortable but it was for the magazine cover.

This photoshoot was being shared with her co star Chris Evans as he was also in hair and makeup as we speak while the girl was doing the same.

Now Chris was already handsome so they didn't really need to do anything.

Rather then her they had to do a lot or so she thought as the makeup artists were working she began looking in the mirror as her see through shirt was waving in the air, and her ripped blue pants were cuffed in the same length as the other leg.

Her hair was curled and pushed to one side as the makeup was on her face a very natural look rather then being caked on.

She looked toward where the crew was setting up the shoot before being told not to move her head once again.

"Sorry" y/n mumbles.

Chris had made his way out to the shoot where his plain whit t shirt was also a bit of thin showing his abs through his shirt, his blue jeans hung low showing the line of his underwear. He stepped behind the black background as a few of the pictures were being taken waiting for the girl to join his side.

A few photos where the actor would look directly towards the camera and others where he would look to the left or right, but once he looked towards the side she came into his view. His eyes had widen as everything about the way she looked made him get goosebumps about it, the girl was wearing the same thing he was wearing but why did she made it look like that.

So hot.

So attractive.

Y/n had smiled at her co star loving the way he was wearing that white shirt that matched hers seeing his chest hairs peak through once his hand was pulling it down a bit. The butterflies started forming into her stomach as Chris's breath was now on her neck as the actor was standing behind her.

Waiting for the flashes to appear.

Chris was standing against y/n right behind her as she could feel all of him up against her and secretly she wasn't complaining , his hands were wrapped around her waist as she was staring in the camera and he was staring at her flashing just a little smirk.

Each time the flash went off the both of them would do a different pose.

There was one of the poses that had y/n screaming on the inside as Chris and y/n were both looking at each other gazing into one another's eyes with his hands underneath her shirt feeling her warm skin.

Her hands were on his chest gripping a bit of his white shirt never breaking eye contact, they were professionals both in the spotlight and both knew what the fans had wanted.

A photoshoot they wouldn't forget.

Sadly the both of them didn't want it too.

Finally the big photo was going to be taken the kiss that would have the world screaming for more not just the fans this time. This photo was going to be everywhere once this photoshoots would be released to the public, this photo will be talked in interviewers it will never go away.

"Kiss like you mean it"

"Like this will be your last"

Chris was looking at y/n the entire time admiring her before they both had to put on a fake smile and pretend that this kiss meant something, y/n finally met his gaze as they both just stared into one another's eyes.

Chris places his hands on each side of her face before smashing his lips against hers not wanting to break free as y/n loved the feeling of his lips against her, they both were just captured into the moment. Not remembering that there were people watching but they honestly didn't care since this was for a cover and the more they got the more people would buy it.

The kiss felt something so much more.

Both of them had pulled away gasping for air as they both already missed the feeling of one another's lips as there foreheads were touching there eyes never breaking apart.


"You guys pulled away, oh why" the photographer whines.

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