Ransom Drysdale

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Story line: visiting


"Hi, Linda how are you" y/n says through the phone smiling as Ransom rolls his eyes hearing the sound of his mother's voice.

Y/n talks on the phone for a bit before sipping her cup of coffee as she was walking around the house for a bit listening very closely about what she had to say.

Then hanging up.

Ransom didn't even hesitate to ask about what they were talking about because he didn't really care plus he had already knew what they were talking about.

The death about his grandfather.

Y/n knew, who did it.

How he did it.

She knew that the person that did it she was madly in love with him and would do anything for him such as this.

"Harlan" Ransom says gently.

"Indeed, they want us to pay a visit" she says before flipping through her magazine.

Ransom sighs before putting pieces together thinking quietly to himself what this was all about why did his mom want them randomly to come over.

I mean she always wants them to come over and visit her.

But this just seemed a bit much his mother would call him directly not y/n so something was up it was like she knew y/n would answer when she would call.

"Are you actually thinking about it" y/n says not taking her eyes off the magazine.

"Nope" Ransom answers.

"If it'd anything serious will be ready for it" she says slightly laughing.

Ransom looks up at her before smiling and placing his hand on her knee then looking at his watch on his wrist.

Y/n and Ransom both pull up to the house as other cars were parked outside signaling that the whole family was inside.

They both look at one another before walking outside of the car seeing a few men around the front door as it was open.

She had walked side by side next to him as his hand was wrapped around her waist as they had made there way up towards the door.

It was like the two of them were walking in slow motion with the men watching them eyeing them down as the million of questions were running through their minds and waiting to be asked.

"Ransom Drysdale may we have a word with you"

"Mmm not really feeling it maybe ask again later" y/n says looking at the three men before walking into the house with a smirking Ransom behind her.

"What she said boys" he adds.

Linda greeted y/n first in a born crushing hug as some of the family also had greeted the girl as they just rolled there eyes at Ransom standing next to her.

Some of the family members still couldn't put the pieces together of how a wonderful girl like y/n was with a piece of shit like Ransom.

Even though deep down they didn't know that y/n was just as worse as he was.

"They both want to talk to you guys about the death of my father" Linda starts to say as y/n was nodding her head.

Y/n doesn't really y say anything she knew this would happen, I mean why else were these 3 men here so it all made sense.

What mattered was that she was ready.

She was sitting in the chair as the 3 men had stared at her studying her body language as y/n just stared back matching there expressions on there faces.

"Ms. Y/n Drysdale is it" Detective Hardrock starts to say.

"Not yet boys that's for sure" she says smiling hearing Ransom's last name at the end of her first.

The men looked at each other as they exchanged looks from one another as y/n was now going through her purse pulling out a cigarette then a lighter following it.

Putting the cig through her fingers and lighting it inhaling the stick then blowing out the smoke as she just stared at the men as the two of them were just amazed at how she was.

They were simply starstruck.

And that was simply her plan to distract them from the questions they were thinking and wanting to ask and it was working.

"So boys are we done here" y/n says looking at the two that were completely staring at her amazed.

"Yeah the two of them say breathless as the one left was looking at his partners before rolling his eyes.

"Thanks boys we should do this again soon" y/n says before getting up and walking out of the room swaying her hips.

"You idiots" Detective Benoit shouts.

"They won't be asking anymore questions for a while, bub" she says smiling towards Ransom.

"God, I love you" he says making not only his eyes widen but also hers.

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