Chris Evans

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Storyline: wedding song

Song: It's Been A Long, Long Time


"Tomorrow's the big day, are you nervous" y/n asks her soon to be husband.

Chris smiles and nods his head as a simple no before smiling again and admiring the ring on her finger that was once in his pocket and before that it in a jewelry store from his point of view admiring it. Y/n had loved the ring, she loved the man that was bending down on one knee expressing on how much he loved her.

"How are you not nervous, were getting married " she chuckles fiddling with her ring.

He chuckles before placing his hand on hers and looking into her eyes before a smile spreading on her face in response.

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited tomorrow's the day you'll be mine forever" Chris says.

"What's our wedding song, I don't think I picked that one out" he adds before looking at his watch that was around his wrist.

She giggles before thinking about the song she picked out, the song that they were going to dance to in front of there families and friends. Was something dear to them a song that there fans had fell in love with and how they fell in love with one another from the very beginning.

Hopefully Chris would like it or at least get the reference.

Today was the big day just in a few hours they would be staring at one another not caring about anyone else expect for themselves, y/n was getting ready and what seemed like forever the dress was finally on and her hair was finally done.

All she wanted to see was him.

He was already fully done and with some of his co stars that were his groomsmen had smiled up at him before getting the call that everyone was ready for this night. Chris had walked out first waiting at the end of the isle for her to come walking out with a smile on her face, he began getting sweaty palms from just patiently waiting.

Y/n had started making her way down as the music had started playing earning everyone's attention as they all smiled and started taking pictures of the bride, her eyes met hi as tears started whelming up in his eyes. Chris had started  crying slightly to himself seeing the one girl that has been through thick and thing with him ever since his acting career had started.

That smile never left his face once she had walked in the room, vows were said and the words were heard making everyone cheer.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Chris and y/n had smiled at one another before hearing there friends and family cheer for them as they were just as happy as the both of them were. The new wedding couple had shared a passionate kiss that made the confetti go off and the screams get louder, Chris's had landed on her waist as they were all looking at the audience making there way down the isle together.

Everyone was dancing everyone was having a good time until the announcer had said for the guests to clear the floor as Chris and y/n would take there first dance being officially married. Chris had held out his hand kissing the top of her hand as the music started playing.

Some of there co stars had big smiles on there faces as happy tears started forming from there eyes making the girl start smiling. Chris couldn't contain his smile from ever stopping hearing the familiar music ring through the speakers nicely, y/n had never stopped admiring her husband.

"I understood that reference, princess" Chris says slowly.

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