Steve Rogers

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He sat alone in the bar, by himself drinking away his pain well trying at least. Loosing hi best friend and the love of his life all in the same day was the hardest thing he has ever done, Bucky has been through with him with everything in life and y/n she loved him before he became Captain America.

"It wasn't your fault" Peggy says behind him.

Steve started pouring himself another drink to add onto the already drank liquor that was left in his cup.

"Did you read the reports" he says not looking at her.

"Yes" Peggy says not breaking eye contact with him.

"Then you know that's not true" Steve says downing the drink.

The tears started falling as the Bucky was appearing in his head falling off the train just like that he was gone.

"You did everything you could. Did you believe in your friend. Did you respect him?" she asks him.

Steve now looks up towards Peggy as his stained face was seen the tears never stopped falling off his cheek.

"Yes" his voice says without question.

"Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He dam well thought you were worth it" she goes on to tell the solider.

"It's not just Buck, she died today too" he says slowly.

A sniffle was heard from the solider looking at complete nothing as Peggy was completely shattered from his words, not only was the girl in Steve's life in a romantic way but she also was a close friend towards Peggy as well.

She grabs a chair from the other table and pushes it towards where Steve was also sitting then taking a seat and grabbing the liquor taking a sip from the bottle rather than a cup like he was doing.

The strong drink burns her throat as y/n was running through her mind her eyes becoming watery not knowing that there last encounter was there last.

Steve didn't say a word instead had passed the bottle to Peggy before finally letting out his cries softly in his hands thinking of Bucky and y/n.

Bucky died with him right by his side and she had died seconds later following in his best friend's footsteps.

Silence was heard through the air the both of them not wanting to talk it out or mention that they both lost someone they truly cared about. Peggy was telling Steve not to feel guilty but how could she tell him those words when even she didn't believe them.

"I'm going to after Schmidt. I'm not going to stop until Hydra is dead or at least captured" Steve says getting up.

"You won't be alone" Peggy says also standing up.


"It's okay, Buck were going to be fine"

"Just fine" y/n says leaning on the bed that her body was placed on and moving her now metal arm looking at her friend that was laying there unconscious.

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