Chris Evans

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Storyline: abusive


"Where'd you get these bruises from" Chris her boyfriend questions.

The long sleeve she was wearing barely covered up the bruises that were all around her wrists from the paps getting a little to aggressive every time she makes an appearance outside into the public.

Both times, Chris hasn't been with her as she was just by herself since her boyfriend can't be with her all the time since he is always filming.

"And you said no, security" he trails off.

"I can take care of myself out there" y/n says looking at him.

Chris sighs a bit loudly before rolling his eyes and getting annoyed at his girlfriend her obiblucly not seeing the point of this, it's dangerous outside especially for the people that are in there life.

They would do anything for a picture.

"That's not the point, and you know it" Chris says looking at his girlfriend.

Y/n rolls her eyes as she watched him take out his phone make a few phone calls as his eyes looked at her before saying a few things into the phone. Chris then hangs up the phone the setting his phone back onto the table as y/n was just staring at him clearly annoyed.

"Rather you like it or not, your going to be protected" he says rasing his voice a bit.

"I can't always be there" Chris adds walking up to her.

His lips were felt against her forehead as her eyes closed feeling his soft warm lips against her skin she knew that deep down her boyfriend didn't mean no harm. Chris was right she needed to be protected and as much as she would rather just want him to be the one to do it, he sadly couldn't be there.

That was until things got worse.

Much worse.

Where police got involved and ambulance was just a quarter mile away where she needed medical attention right away.

Hours before

After Chris had talked to her y/n had seemed like a giant weight was lifted off her shoulders and that things were going to be just fine with the security all around her. That these bruises were a one time thing forming on her skin and a one time ever happening, she slowly smiled before looking at her boyfriend.

"Thank you, baby" she says making him smile.

Chris had to leave for the studio once again as y/n was going to do some errands around where they had lived, for once she wasn't nervous or anything about going outside. Sending a quick text about what she was doing today to, Chris then heading out the door to see two large and tall guys.

"Ms. Y/n, please follow us" one of them say.

Y/n had made it towards the little shopping center as the men were walking around her just to keep a close eye on her, things were good as the bags were in her hands. One bag was special to her since it was a frame of there very first picture together, on set first meeting them both not knowing that they would be so happy together.

The frame was in the bag ready to be wrapped and handed towards Chris once he had gotten home a smile never left her face. Everything had happened so fast and the next thing she knew was that the frame was shattered all over the ground from the paps that were trying to get a photo of the actress.

But that was the last straw for her.

"Are you fucking kidding me" she shouts.

The men with the cameras didn't care as they wanted the picture that would have everyone wondering why the actress has gone mad. Tears started falling down her cheeks as she looking at the ground where the broken glass was, y/n had bent down to look at the frame that had her and Chris in it.

It was broken in half all thanks to them, once again as her body had felt pushed by one of them her skin instantly falling o the glass. Getting either stuck or scraped as her eyes winced in pain from the feeling of it, the two body guards were nowhere in sight to be around her.

She was all alone.

"Please get off me" y/n says sobbing now.

She gently pushes a few off of her making a few of them get aggressive pushing her hardly as her head hits the sidewalk enough to make her eyes close for a few seconds. The shouting never stopped as the cameras were still on and the flashing had became more and more aggressive.

Her body laid there as her eyes were slowly opening seeing the flashing that was hovering over her for a good couple of minutes as her arms were being grabbed as they would do anything for a picture.

The pain from the glass from her head pounding as the paps had created a big circle enough to catch some attention from the people around it. Pretty soon the circle started breaking from where the police was telling them to back up, once they saw the girl's body laying there uncosnuous a few calls were made.

"Y/n" Chris says running up her room.

Once his eyes meant the body guards that were responsible for the damage that his girlfriend had went through, rage had entered his body.

"You were suppose to be protecting her" Chris shouts at them.

As they were trying to explain themselves to the actor he didn't want to hear it either way as his eyes were already rolling back as the reflection of her came into his view. Chris had looked at the girl that was the love of his life lying in the bed with marks and bruises all over her body.

"Fuck princess what did they do to you" he mutters now being right in front of her.

Chris takes a seat next to her as his hand was in hers as her eyes were closed and a oxygen mask was covering her mouth helping her breath.



"That was the last straw, were taking this to court"

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