Winter Soldier

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2/2 Bonus

Storyline: semi similar


Everyone watched from the inside as the Winter solider was about to get interviewed as his body was tied up and into this machine that had no way of getting out. Steve, Sam, and y/n were all in a room together along with Tony and Sharon they watched the tv showing Steve's friend and once the girl's lover.

She watched him be tied up as her head looked down sighing seeing how much pain he was in a hand was placed on her shoulder, Steve had comforted the girl.

"It's going to be okay, y/n" he says reassuring her.

Noises were echoing through her head making her look around waiting for everyone's reaction but nothing, Steve had looked at her concern. The noises had started getting louder making her hold her head now as everyone was now asking her if she was okay and what was going on.

"Y/n are you okay"


Her eyes widen as the power goes out the familiar words started flowing out of his mouth making not only Bucky start screaming but also the girl. Steve and Sam were both trying to help the girl up as Tony was trying to fix the power, the words started getting louder and her hand started getting stronger and stronger.

The Hydra liquid started creeping through her veins.



The rage started forming into her body as nothing was helping as she was trying to fight the erge once again all these years.



"Pech. "


"Dobroserdechnyy. "

"Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu.Odin".

The medal creeped around on her arm as the words started creating something that made her want to forget what had happened to her all those years ago.

"Stop" she shouts her eyes shutting.

"Gruzovoy vagon....Soldat?"

Her eyes open as Steve and Sam look up at the girl in fear seeing that Bucky wasn't the only one her medal arm ripping her shirt as the stuff that Hydra put into her never left her body. She looked at Steve and everyone else before saying the words that meant war.

"Ready to comply"

Y/n had walked towards Zemo that was to busy on the floor, she walked up towards him holding him by the shirt collar.

"What did you do to me" she shouts fighting the liquids.

"There's two of you" Zemo says in amazement.

"I said what did you do to me" y/n says more angrily slamming his body against the wall.

"To see a empire fall, December 16 1991" Zemo says as her body starts changing once again.

Her body falls on the ground as her eyes close all the flashbacks start rushing through her mind all the plans that Hydria had planned long ago was replaced back into her mind. The medal arm was now showed through her shirt and things were starting to happen


Her eyes opened before slamming whoever she was next her against the wall then fighting towards her friends that were charging after her, they tried calling her name telling her to stop and fight whatever that was telling her to kill.

But she couldn't.

He then came into her view fighting with her but by her side, she looked at him as the anger built up inside of him. Steve looked at his best friend as the winter solider didn't hesitate with throwing Sam against the wall, y/n looked at he winter solider again.

"Buck" she says quietly.

He looked at her seeing her medal arm just like his being confused not thinking that another winter solider survived all these years ago. his foot steps walked closer towards her as Steve had blocked y/n.

"Your my mission" he says towards Steve as he was throwing a punch before y/n had caught it.

"You can fight this" she says slowly.

His eyes soften before being replaced with anger once again as y/nm had took the time to quickly knock him out as his body had fell hard on the ground. She looked at Bucky to make sure he was breathing then carrying him out of the building with a shocked Steve right next to her.

"I'll tell you all about it but for now we have to get him somewhere safe" she says as they run out of the building.

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