Ransom Drysdale

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Storyline: morning jogs

Her alarm went off at a certain time just so the girl could get up and watch the sunrise for her morning jog, but getting up really early meant that the weather was freezing outside. So that meant jackets over jackets even though she would be generally exhausted and hot from running around her neighborhood.

Y/n fixed herself a cup of coffee as it was making while putting her water bottle together with a few sliced lemons into it, looking at her apple watch on her wrist making sure that she wasn't late or early.

But it didn't matter really.

This was her morning routine everyday.

Getting up when you should be still sleeping and keeping her body into shape for herself because running made her feel good, plus she got to run by the house that had the many stories that everyone talked about.

Harlem's house.

The house was it's own property by itself but because y/n was friends with the man he aloud her to run by his house rather than having it closed off. She met a few of the other family members from time to time, but never really had an actual conversations with any of them.

But the one she adored, was Ransom.

Sometimes y/n would see the man walk up towards the house if she was lucky he would never look into her direction just look straight forward and continue on walking.

But he would always take her breath away each time, Ransom would come in to her view even it was just for 5 seconds. Then quickly disappearing into the house with his other family members, y/n had started running outside of her house and towards her normal trail that leads to the house.

"Did you hear about it"

"Someone murdered, Harlem"

"Now the whole family is being investigated "

Y/n looked to the woman that were walking on the opposite side of her as the girl had turned down her music a little bit, before looking back breathless.

"Harlem's dead" she whispers.

The world had felt like it was spinning now as the girl couldn't breath and felt like fainting in the middle of the trail, she didn't even realize that the house was in her view now. Her eyes looked towards the ground feeling sick to her stomach then looking towards the car that was being heard from getting locked.

Ransom stepped outside of it before getting attacked by the two dogs that were biting the end of his coat, as he was trying to kick them off of him.

"Stop, get off" he shouts.

Y/n's vision started becoming blurry as her body had hit the ground roughly instantly knocking her out as her body just laid there. Ransom looked in the direction of the girl that was laying there as his eyes were waiting for her to get up and dust herself off but she wasn't she didn't, he then looked towards the entrance of the house then back towards the girl.

Sighing really loud as he made his way over to the girl.

Her eyes started opening up as Marta was dabbing her forehead with a wet cloth as the family were sitting around her talking towards the agent. Ransom had never looked away from the girl as her body was alive but her eyes weren't, even though this was his first time actually getting this close to her.

Ransom has seen her a couple of times now.

But this was his first actually touching her.

"Does it seem that you have a crush" Walt says standing next to him.

"Not a chance" he snaps.

"Come on, Ransom you would never do this for anyone let alone one of us" Walt says.

He then looks towards everyone before storming out the door knowing that deep down Walt could actually be right since this girl as not alone a stranger but this wasn't who he was.

The sound of the door slamming made y/n jump as her eyes shot up before her wondering where she was and what was wrong with her.

Marta started calming her down as the family was too not wanting to leave the girl alone since the bump on her head had caused some damage.

Y/n tried looking for Ransom she could've swore that he picked her up and carried her in here or was that her dreaming. But where was he?

"Ransom carried you in here, wish he was here but him being a baby"

"Walt" Linda shouted.

Walt shrugged before smiling at the girl a bit and walking away towards the window watching Ransom just sit there frustrated.

"What's Ransom's problem" y/n whispers to herself.

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