Captain America

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Storyline: fighting


Iron Man and Captain America were both fighting one another once best friends but now enemies on someone who said she was out, but since these two men didn't listen on her answer they decided to make her answer from them.

One side was Iron Man the other side was Captain America.

Y/n knew nothing about it until getting a call from Black Widow the day of when the fight was going to break out, she suited up and waited for the signal that was going to be handed to her once Cap and the Winter solider would be alone so she could knock some sense into him.

This was too far.

They were best friends they shouldn't have been fighting over someone like her, the girl was nothing special no one fighting over, before even joining the team she met the two heroes first and always loved the way how they acted towards once another.

"Y/n now" Black widow had screamed in her ear piece.

The girl had ran towards where they were now in walk way where there was ice all around them y/n had used her powers to hold the shield that belonged to Cap being thrown towards her making all there heads turn.

"Y/n" Iron Man and Cap both say at the same time.

She walked towards them slowly before smiling at Bucky then glaring at the two boys in front of her as they had looked down not wanting her to find out about this fight.

Y/n had slapped both guys across the face making them both hold there cheeks and look at her in shocked, she used her powers again slamming the both of them in opposite sides of the wall.

"I told you both I am out so do not make my descions for me assuming I am still in" she screams at them as her eyes start glowing.

"But y/n" Iron Man tried saying.

"Shut up Stark" y/n says shooting her powers towards him making him block it and hitting her  back.

Captain America looks towards the girl before charging towards Iron Man again this time not stopping not caring if he did indeed kill him at his moment, Iron man tried blocking every punch that came in contact with his face. 

Bucky helps y/n up seeing her side spilt open from her own powers that were suppose to be for Iron Man as her vision sees Cap beating there friend up to the death.

"Cap stop, please" she shouts before dropping on the floor again.

Her voice goes through his ear and out the other hitting the shield directly into his button

"Don't ever come near her again" he spits at him helping the girl up along with Bucky who was on the other side of her.

Iron Man looked at the 3 of them breathing heavily and spitting out blood that was in his mouth from the amount of hits that were coming in contact with his face at the time.

That same day he had lost two good friends that day,

Cap and y/n.

Two that he never thought in his life he would ever.

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