Steve Rodgers

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Storyline: payback


"Just saying he's playing with your feelings" Peggy says looking at her friend.

"That's when your wrong, Ms. Carter" y/n says thinking of the solider that has her heart.

Peggy rolls her eyes at the girl before flipping through the clipboard, y/n was to in love with Steve to much to believe anyone about what they had to say about him in a negative way. She liked him for who he really was and not just from the experiment that was injected into him, a smile never left her face thinking of the blue eyes.

A giggle escaped her mouth day dreaming about him

"When your done day dreaming about Steve can you go get him, Howard's ready for him" Peggy says staring at her friend.

She nods happily walking towards where Steve was, the butterflies forming into her stomach then quickly fading from the view that came into hers.

Steve was kissing another girl technically making out from where she was standing watching the man that she was in love with kissing someone else.

Her heart crumbled into a million of pieces, she wanted tp run away from the sight in front of her but y/n had to be strong and show no weakness.

Not even for Steve.

Steve had looked in the direction of the girl that was watching them both before pulling away and looking at y/n, before looking towards the girl that his lips were just on then following y/n that was walking away.

"Y/n, that's not what you thought it was" Steve tries telling her making the girl roll her eyes.

"I don't think anything, Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be a solider now you are. Just like all the rest." she says looking at him.

"Well what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven't been fondueing" Steve says stating his point.

"You still don't know a bloody thing about women" y/n says rolling her eyes and walking off as Howard meets with Steve.


"You were right" y/n says walking towards Peggy with tears in her eyes.

Peggy looked at y/n in shocked then looking back at Steve that was talking to Howard she quickly was hugging her friend that was a crying mess but didn't show it. Steve had looked at the two girls that were talking with one another in the corner y/n was seen wiping her eyes a lot with a sad expression on her face.

He fucked up.

As Howard and Steve were talking about the different shields for his suit, y/n was seen walking by not wanting to make eye contact with him right now.

"What do you think, y/n" Steve says showing the girl off his shield that he was holding.

She looked at him before picking up a gun that was close to her and aiming it towards him as Steve had quickly covered his face with the medal. The bullets were shown coming out of the gun once she had pressed the trigger making everyone take cover, the blood boiling in her body was finally slowing down taking the anger away.

"Yes I think it works" y/n says smiling putting the gun down and walking the other way.

Howard and Steve both look at one another than towards y/n that was walking towards a smiling Peggy. Howard pats the soldiers shoulder before walking away and looking at the other shields that were laid out as for Steve was still looking at y/n breathless.

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