Steve Rogers

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Storyline: too late


They were all gathered hanging out and having a few laughs here and their the sounds of glasses touching once another finally tonight the team had one day off to relax and enjoy themselves. Laughs were escaping from of there mouths as more liquor was being poured, and some conversations were being made.

Y/n and Nat had entered the party downstairs of the Stark Tower turning some heads along the way as they both had made there way towards the bar.

"Y/n looks" Tony starts to say.

"Beautiful" Steve finishes for him.

The girl takes a sip of her drink talking amongst the other avengers and some of the friends along the way her eyes looked from the corner of her eye seeing the solider talking with Thor simply smiling at him.

"You fancy, Rogers" Nat says making the girl look at her.

Y/n didn't even try defending herself since she could care less about what anyone would think about in the tower, her heart started beating staring at Steve more and more. He was a beauty to look at and she still couldn't understand why he was single for no apparent reason, she began talking to Nat again as Steve was thinking the exact thing about her.

Midnight came around as the rest of the team was surrounded by the small coffee table out in front of them with beer bottles in there hands, as laughter was echoing the tower talking about Thor's hammer.

"Please" Thor says pointing towards his hammer.

As everyone tries to lift up the hammer struggling it was now Steve as the solider had gently moved it just a bit making Thor's face drop a little.

"Nat" Tony says looking at her.

"That's not a question I need to answer" she says taking a sip of her beer.

"Y/n" Clint says.

There attention all turns on the girl who was sipping her beer, Steve had smiled at her as everyone else was egging her on to pick up the hammer. Y/n had stood up looking at how the hammer was placed then towards everyone as Steve had a good feeling about this as everyone was going to watch how this small girl could pick up a God's hammer.

Her hands were placed on the handle gently trying to lift it up, as Tony and Clint started laughing looking at everyone else, the girl feeling something run through her veins quickly setting it down.

"Too heavy" y/n says while holding her arms even if it didn't hurt.

As everyone had started laughing there was a loud noise echoing through the tower making everyone look around them as y/n had covered her ears.

" ... worthy... No... How could you be worthy? Your all killers." Ultron says coming towards there view.

" Stark." Steve says.

" JARVIS." Tony says.

" Sorry I was asleep... Or... I was a dream..." Ultron says.

" Reboot, we got a buggy suit." Tony says pressing the buttons on his phone.

" ...There was a terrible noise... And I was tangled in... in... strings... I had to kill the other guy... He was a good guy." Ultron says again.

" You killed someone?" Y/n says now looking at the robot.

Ultron steps a bit closer towards the girl before Steve stepping in front of her blocking his view from getting any closer towards the girl. His hand was blocking her from each side so if Ultron were to move any closer towards y/n he would have to go through him.

" Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." Ultron says looking towards y/n.

" Who sent you?" Thor questions

"I see a suit of armor around the world".

" Ultron!" Bruce says.

" In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis... But I'm ready. I'm on a mission." Ultron says waving his hands in the air.

" What mission?" Nat asks.

" Peace in our time." the robot finally says as other mini Ultron's come blasting through the glass firing towards the avengers.

"Get somewhere safe" Steve tells y/n before his shield being thrown to him.

She makes a run for it, jumping over the broken glass making sure the robots didn't hear her sound as the girl had quickly ducked under the panio that was shattered broken pieces were falling from the sides as her small body was trying to get out.

Two Ultron's were guarding it seeing her appearance shooting as she had tried kicking whatever y/n could reach from them, as one of them were pulling her feet towards the main one.

"Y/n" Steve had screamed as Thor and him had ran towards them leaving his hammer.

Her body was sliding onto the tiny bits of broken glass making her wince in pain as the same feeling was going through her veins once again but this time she didn't stop it. As her body went flying towards the one robot that was pulling her feet as she quickly smashed it, ducking her head on the other one that shooted towards her.

Her hands pulled the head apart before landing on the ground with the hammer in her hands, Steve and Thor along with everyone else had stared in shocked.

"You're too late boys" y/n says handing Thor's hammer towards him.

"What just happened" Tony questions.

"That's my girl" Steve says.

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