Steve Rogers

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Storyline: pain


He didn't want to do this, knowing that she was the one that was going to be in pain not him after all of these years of thinking he lost the love of his life.

She was alive.

But totured  to death in order for them to do what they wanted her to do, y/n was turned into something she wasn't.

She was turned into a weapon.

Sam was watching over the girl as her metal arm was attached to some sort of machine that could keep her in place, as Steve was taking some air.

This wasn't her.

How could someone do this to someone so fragile already, the tears started forming in his eyes as he was just picturing the sight of her being afraid and screaming for anyone to help her.

But no everyone just watched her.

Be terrified  for her life.


"What are you doing, Steve" y/n says while giggling.

Steve was trying to move to the beat but his off key feet were messing things up as he was getting some weird looks from both the women and the men around them both.

Although y/n was the only one laughing at the thin boy as a smile never left her face as her hands were gently placed on his.

"Let me help you" she says while smiling.

They began moving to the beat slowly as Steve was looking at y/n feeling a bit embarrassed that someone like her was helping him dance right now. The both of them had smiled at one another before y/n slightly laughing at the boy she already had adored from just after  sharing this.

"Steve it look's like you already have a dancing partner" Bucky says walking with his date.

Y/n and Steve both stop moving to the beat as Steve was looking at his long time best friend then looking at y/n as there hands were still intertwined with one another.

"Bucky, this is y/n" Steve says.

She smiles at his friend as Bucky smiled back at the girl titling his hat that was on his head before looking back at Steve that was looking at his friend already.

Bucky's date was eyeing y/n down on the other hand feeling threaten by her as she was already wanting to walk away from this little convo.

"Come on, Bucky" his date whines pulling him the other way.

His date eyed y/n up and down before walking away with Bucky slowly following behind

"I'll see you later, Steve and hopefully y/n you'll be his only partner" Bucky says while following behind his date.

"Only a girl can hope" y/n says while smiling.


Her eyes started opening slowly as her head was pounding the flashbacks started repeating in her head as his face was the only thing that she focused on. Then after that day things started o go crashing down as she was made into a weapon, things started changing inside her.

She killed people.

She had took so many lives away within in seconds.

"Steve, she's awake"

Y/n looked at her arm the one that was taken from her and replaced with something more dangerous something more powerful, sobs started coming out of her mouth. Her emotions started coming out all of the years of being something she wasn't and finally letting it out finally being able to let it out without being abused from showing.

The tears never stopped falling out of her eyes these weren't just from today these were from all the events that happened because of what she did, the girl took lives away she took them from ever seeing the light again.

Her eyes looked at her arm again as she tried moving it as Sam and Steve both reacted making sure she wasn't going to start attacking as the girl looked up at the both of them terrified.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she starts to say.

As her hand started covering her head not remembering that she was and is the Winter solider where she was trained to kill, but right now y/n is fragile.

And it's all coming out.

Y/n's sobs never left her mouth as what she has been feeling all her years of killing and never stopping until the mission was done.

"Which y/n am I talking to" Steve says.

He watches in pain as the love of his life was scared for her life having this metal arm attached to her not remembering who she was before then.

"Your only dancing partner" y/n says.

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