Chris Evans

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I know you all thought this would be the Ransom Drysale pt.2 but it's not that easy it will be the same way like my Tom Holland imagines, where there will be multiple second parts of different imagines.

And  right now there are only 2 imagines that you guys want a second part 2 that isn't enough.

But I will tell you guys this, there will be a second part to that Ransom imagine.

Storyline: football pictures


"Mom said to take pictures when we get there" y/n says towards her brother that was already rolling his eyes.

"Even when she's not with us, it still feels like she is" her brother says making her laugh.

Y/n and her brother were going to watch the football game live in person because there mother had surprised them both when they were much older and since they both liked hanging out with one another rather than some other brothers and sisters hated being with one another since they had already lived with one another.

Wasn't that enough.

But now y/n is grown up finished college along with her brother that had majored in something complicated because he had liked a competition all the time so why not make a career out of it, Her brother was driving as she was on her phone using the charger that way her phone wont let it die, her brother started pulling the charger not realizing that her phone was plugged in.

"I'm using it" she says.

"What's your phone percent  at" he questions.

She rolls her eyes knowing that her brother knew the girl had hated whenever he asked that it didn't matter what her phone was at what mattered was that she was using it right now so that meant it was off limits.

"You always do this" y/n snaps.

"What, I just want to know you probably don't even need it" her brother, Peter had said.

"My phone is at, 89%" y/n finally answers.

Peter scoffs before muttering things under his breath as the two were arguing over a simple charger before she rolled her eyes and fixed her patriots jersey. Her brother rolls her eyes once again looking at his disgusting shirt as he fixed his Seahawks one, still cant believing that he is in the same car with a Patriots fan who happens to be his sister.

"Still can't believe your wearing that" Peter says parking into the area.

"What the winning team" y/n says waving her hands over Tom Brady's number.

"You mean the team that cheats" he questions parking the car.

"You would say that since when it comes to football, you are a sore loser" she says laughing and getting out of the car.

Y/n and Peter make it to the area and walk out of the car towards where the crowded people were all filling  at, she had no idea that they both were in for a treat. Walking further and further into the area, there held a photo booth where they would take your picture in front of a screen where it looked like the football field.

"Peter we should do that" she points out.

"Will take pictures later" he says.

"No because you and I both know that we will choose to forget so let's do it now rather then just ignoring it" y/n says.

Peter rolls his eyes again before making his way towards the booth as they wait in line then it starts moving as y/n and him were both next. They both step in front of the camera placing there poses before,

Jimmy Fallon

Chris Pratt

and lastly Chris Evans join them in the background

Y/n was seen holding her jersey as her brother was putting on an annoyed face as he was holding his jersey in his hands. The picture showed, Chris Pratt pointing towards Peter's and then Chris Evans pointing towards the girls smiling proudly like if she was his girlfriend.

Then that left Jimmy Fallon trying to decided in the middle.

A couple of pictures were taken then as y/n started laughing from the poses then looking at her brother who was wide eyed waiting for his sister to realize in the end.

"What are you holy fuck" y/n says meeting eyes with Chris Evans.

Chris Pratt was to busy talking to Peter about picking the winning team as a laughing Jimmy Fallon was enjoying the conversation, as Chris Evans was admiring the girl in front of him wearing his favorite football team.

"I like your jersey, great choice" Chris Evans says looking at the girl smiling.

As they all make there way off the booth creating small talk since Peter and y/n were the last in line for taking pictures, Evans didn't want this to end talking to her he wanted it to last as Jimmy had already knew what the actor had wanted by just his looks.

"Why don't you both join us, in our seats" Jimmy says.

Peter again was wide eyed as Pratt was clapping his hands together like a baby already loving her brother by just his choice in shirts. Y/n had smiled and nodded as she walked closely next to Evans who was also smiling and placing his hand on her waist, which indeed had made the butterflies appear.

The game went on, and how could y/n pay attention when she was sitting next to Chris Evans herself he was right by her literally.

Her breath was caught in her throat a couple of times as she could feel his blue eyes on her making y/n want to turn into jelly just like that, Evans liked the feeling of her being next to him. It felt right like it wasn't forced or anything and he didn't even know her name just the girl with the Patriots jersey on.

Y/n had already had his heart from just her personality giving her bonus points for wearing the winning team.

"Would you like anything  to drink" Chris Evans had offered pausing waiting for the girl to tell him his name.

"Y/n" she finishes for him.

The name repeats in his head making his heart warm as he was handed two beers handing one to her as she gladly took it taking brining it to her lips as his eyes never left hers. Her eyes closed tasting the certain beer that hit the spot but only while watching a football game.

Both of there eyes were fixed on the field as 1 minute was left and the game was currently tied as y/n was gripping her beer cup to the max and Evans was gripping the table they were sitting at.

It had felt like 84 years before this minute was up before you know it drinks were being thrown up as the girl was jumping in the air tugging on his shirt to the max as he was also pumping his hands in the air.

A celebration had started, the Patriots had won making Evans and y/n celebrate next  to each other, y/n had finally looked at the actor before his eyes meeting hers as everyone was still going crazy.

They shared a winning kiss.

It wasn't a peck or a long one but it was one just enough to have him fall even more for her.

Chris Evans Imagines Where stories live. Discover now