Steve Rogers

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Storyline: silent treatment


It was like words weren't flowing through her brain properly and they were just going through one ear and out the other, as her eyes just started into the table and it her mind was blank. All of the avenger were sitting around the table talking with the head of the government discussing about what things need to be changed.

And of course there were a lot.

Clips started playing of some of the horrible things that were the aftermath of them saving the world as some people weren't ever so lucky.

A few exchanges were made around the table as they all knew who were responsible for them as others had knew who was also was responsible for that person's outbreak.

"Okay that's enough" Steve says.

She didn't look up instead her fingers were placed on the table fidging with them hearing his voice from the end of the table making her heart sting. Shifts were heard from around the table as a thick book was placed om the table centered as everyone had exchanged looks including Steve.

But y/n didn't budge.

She didn't look up nor make any expression on her face nothing changed in her body posture, Nat had looked towards the girl then towards Steve who also didn't make eye contact with the girl.

"And if we come to a descion you don't like" Nat says.

"Then the avenger's will retire"

Usually y/n would storm out by now throwing either a chair in response or destroying something with her powers, but this time she didn't seem to care. Everyone around her was waiting for the outbreak to lash out by any second but nothing happened as the girl just sat there num.

A few glances were made with one another now wondering why y/n never spoke during this then they all looked towards Steve that was also avoiding eye contact with the girl. Usually they would sit next to one another or she would be by him in some type away but they sat no where near one another.

Something was up.

By this time the group of men had left leaving the team by themselves to discus what they are going to do, Nat was now looking at the girl as she was standing up.

"Y/n you've been awfully quiet" Nat says.

Everyone had looked at the girl even Tony who was rolling his eyes as Sam and Rhodey were discussing the pros and cons about this contract.

Steve even looked up to look at his girlfriend.

She looked up at everyone as if that had taken her out of the trance she was kept in all throughout the meeting, Nat was looking at her knowing that her and Steve were probably fighting right now that's why she wasn't talking right now per usual.

Her eyes then looked towards her boyfriend that she tried so hard not to shoot her powers towards and knock him out, Steve wasn't even doing anything but still was able to piss her off.

"So?" Tony says.

"We shouldn't sign it" she sates.

Sam and Steve both look at her shocked that she would agree with them right now especially with what her expressions say right now.

"We shouldn't have asked" Rhodey states.

"Sam's right, if we sign this were giving them our freedom" y/n says looking at them.

"She's just agreeing with Rogers" Tony says rolling his eyes and getting up.

Y/n looked taken back before standing up and slowly walking towards where Stark was in the kitchen as eyes followed hers knowing what was about to happen next.

"Are you saying because I'm dating, Steve means I cant have a say in things" she says already forming her hands with power.

Tony turns around slowly already seeing that his words of course pissed off the girl before nodding his head and pouring himself a bowl of cereal, her hands fling the cereal bowl towards the wall making it break.

The cereal went flying all over the ground as everyone had already went running towards the situation as Steve just sat in his seat.

"Did I pull a nerve, y/n" Tony teases.

"Lets just get something straight" y/n says walking in front of everyone.

"It doesn't matter if I am dating any one or not in this household I still get a say in anything we discus and if it happens to be the same answer as that person I am currently dating then so be it. But in the end I am my own person and I'm better off without them" she adds looking at Steve.

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