Chris Evans

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Story line: cheater


He watched the car leave from the driveway as his girlfriend was leaving there shared house that they both bought together, that they both called home.

Chris waited till her car was completely out of his view as it went down the street and started to become out of his sight.

His phone was already in his hand texting away some girl that wasn't y/n just some random lady that was a distraction for him this girl was giving something Chris wanted from the very beginning


Y/n was for sure giving him that but it didn't sasfiety his needs as much as he wanted it too and lately it's ben lagging.

It's for sure not his fault, he's Chris Evans

Anybody would be lucky to have one second with him so it was definitely her fault, but unlike a normal boyfriend would just tell her that something was off when they would make love with one another he started to cheat.

Multiple times

At first it was just once but now it's been with so many different women and his girlfriend had no clue she was absolutely blind sided by the fact that Chris smelt like a different women each day.

Y/n wasn't really paying attention that much lately

Chris didn't even notice that either he was just focused on how easily he was getting away with cheating on her

They both weren't paying attention to one another, it was almost like they were just only roommates to one another. A kiss on the cheek would happen as she was out of the door and another girl was making her way into the house when she wasn't looking and claiming her property known as Chris Evans

"I'm going to stay late, tonight " y/n says walking into the kitchen.

Chris doesn't even look up as his fingers were typing away on his phone and y/n could hear his the sounds of his fingers pressing each letter.

No answer

Y/n was use to this, but she didn't say anything silence was heard through the air as the outside was making more noise then inside this room right now.

"Okay" Chris finally says

The different women started replying in the different conversations that Chris was talking to them into, saying he was free at different times so they wouldn't show up at the same time.

Y/n looked at her so called boyfriend before nodding her head and walking up the stairs to get ready for work.

She dressed in her usual clothes something that showed her body off real well and maybe turn heads in the process.

Chris glanced up towards y/n as she made her way back down the stairs to serve herself some coffee in a to go cup, his eyes were glued onto her body.

Like his phone didn't matter

His eyes followed down her body eying her up and down it was like h didn't know where to stare at the most either her legs or cleavage that was showing through her shirt

Everything was like in slow motion for him

As he just stared at her

The women didn't matter, as he stared at his girlfriend in amazement holding his pants in his hand covering his little problem from just staring at y/n

He was nervous to ask her, if she had wanted to go have a quickie before work before they both start there days.

Even though they were dating

Even if they did live together

Chris didn't feel like he deserved her after the cheating and that's when he realized on what he has been doing to her.

Y/n was a stunning girl and she didn't deserve this a cheating basterd

"Um, babe did you maybe want to have a" Chris starts to say as he was playing with his fingers looking at her then moving his head towards the stairs

"Why the other women not satisfy your needs" y/n says looking at Chris

His eyes widen

"What" he says slowly

" I said Really, Chris I just put on my makeup and you know our quickies always ruin it" y/n says repeating herself looking at her boyfriend.

Chris lets out a awkward chuckle before looking at his girl friend as y/n just looked at him weirdly and confused.

"So is that a yes" he trails off

"I might have to call the other women to see what you like don't you think" y/n says looking at Chris.

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