Steve Rogers

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Storyline: reunited


Her flashbacks were getting worse every time her eyes would close the noises would echo though her brain thinking of how things were so difficult at the time. She had lost so much from just within a matter of seconds, her descion was hard to make but in her mind it was for the best.

Footsteps were heard behind her as the girl had reached for her knife throwing it without hesitation as the knife had struck the wall missing Laura's head.

"I'm sorry" y/n started apologizing over again.

Laura didn't say anything she was use to this happening whenever y/n was tapped up in her thoughts that's why there were so many holes in the wall. Laura started rubbing her back gently as the flashbacks were never stopping this time usually they did whenever someone came into the room nut not this time.

"How are they" Laura asks.

"There not stopping, this time" y/ says looking at the floor.

She stays slient knowing that there was nothing she could've done but her husband could've, Clint bit he was on a mission with the other avengers as y/n had sat that one out not wanting to talk to Steve after what had happened years ago.

So y/n had decided to stay and protect Laura and her kids while they were all away the only person that didn't know about that were the avengers let alone Steve.

"We have to tell, Clint what if he can help" Laura says.

Y/n looks up before hearing the sounds of the space ship that were holding the avengers as Laura had ran towards it leaving the girl not wanting to interact with them. If they were here it could be for a reason and knowing them this reason isn't a good one so she stayed behind in the room trapped in her thoughts.

"Is she here" Clint whispers in his wife's ear making her motion towards the room.

"Gentleman this is Laura" Clint adds making them be confused for a bit.

Steve and Tony both exchange looks before looking towards Clint thinking on how he kept them safe all of these years with being an avenger this whole time.

She didn't want to get up nor move but something was telling her that this was a serious matter as her body got up off the bed and started walking towards the group. Laura had saw and smiled as y/n came into the view of everyone else as they all looked at her shocked with eyes going wide.

"Y/n" Nat says breathless.

Steve looks at the girl that looked like a wreck bags under her eyes as her powers were getting stronger just from her body language, she seemed different. Tony looked from the girl then towards the solider that was revealed that she was alive until he noticed something off about her there was something wrong.

"We thought you were dead" Thor says slowly.

A flashback started forming as they all realized that she was alive the noises stared happening again they started being heard from every angle, Laura had started noticing before reacting fast trying to get her out of it.

"Y/n can you hear me"

"What's happening" they all scream.

"She's having a flashback"


The pouding of her head was shutting everything out around her as everything went black around her and she was the only person standing there. Staring at herself as millions of mirrors were surrounding her. Y/n had looked anywhere to see someone else anyone but it was just her reflection staring right back at her, until a figure came into her view.

"Hello" her voice calls out as it echo's.

The figure doesn't move instead it just stays there looking at the girl before disappearing once her eyes blink, y/n had turned around meeting the figure eye to eye.

Her body flinches now recognizing the figure

"Bucky" she says breathless.

"Who the hell is Bucky"

His arm comes in contact with her throat as y/n tries to push his arm off of her as her eyes star squeezing shut from the lack of air that wasn't going through her body. Both hands now were holding Bucky's hand that was wrapped around her throat begging for him to stop, as her eyes looked into Bucky's it was now replaced with Steve.

"You took everything from me" Steve shouts at her.

"My life, my best friend" his words stung her.

"I'm sorry, Steve" y/n whimpers.

Steve's eyes turn black as his hand tightens around her neck not loosening up as her eyes started shutting for real and her hands started falling from his grip. Her body then fell on the ground and she was now left alone struggling to breath, as they all stared at her eyes all black glaring at her.

There weapons never left there hands as Thor had tighten his grip on his hammer and Steve's shield was aiming towards the girl.

Her eyes looked up towards them her blurry vison was seen through her vision as the team didn't flinch didn't move they just stood there.

"What are you guys doing" y/n says holding her throat.

"Something we should've done a long time ago" Nat says pulling the trigger.


"Y/n can you hear me" Laura screams.

The girl's eyes slowly open as her hands were in a shape of a fist her powers building up as everyone was confused but also concerned at the same time. They all thought she was dead finding out a few minutes ago she was alive but now having these flashbacks that create her building up her power.

Something was wrong.

"Are you okay" Steve says behind her.

"Steve, I saw him" y/n says looking out to the grass.

"Who" he questions.


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