Ransom Drysdale

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Story line: quiet

"How can you do this to us" Linda says looking at the girl.

Everyone in the family turned around as they were facing the girl that was just as shocked as she was was once they had found out who Harlem had left the house and all his money too.

"I'm just as shocked as you guys are" y/n tries saying.

They all looked at her giving her glares as they kept walking towards her slowly as now y/n was walking out of the house as they were chasing her with questions.

"We trusted you"

"Took you in and you stab us in the back"

A car drives up towards the house getting everyone attention and away from the girl that was scared for her life as the car door had opened revealing Ransom that was the one driving.

"Get in" he shouts at the girl.

The family wasn't shocked that Ransom did something like this because this was his normal behavior to be a complete idiot when things would go down hill.

But for y/n to join him in the car as they sped off was shocking even though they wanted to know so many answers to the so many questions they had.

Ransom and y/n were now driving in silent as the girl was now rethinking her job and her life at this point all she did was take care of there father and now she is left with money and house all in one day.

Her thoughts were putting her into the clouds as the family that took her in is now against her and she is all alone in this one.

He exchanged looks from the girl that was sitting right net to him as she was playing with her fingers trapped in her thoughts. His hands had gripped the steering wheel a bit harder as his family was always the problem here being to pushy and controlling but this time it was him that was the master behind it all.

The day Ransom had made the choice to do what he did, he didn't think anything of it especially nothing to do with y/n.

But here she is being blamed for it just because the money was now hers along with the house they all lived in.

Some sort of feeling became eating his stomach thinking about it more that if anyone didn't deserve this it would be her.

She did nothing wrong expect take care of the people that she loved.

The car was parked as y/n didn't say anything when they were at some sort of restaurant as Ransom made his way out before opening her door for her, her body didn't move as she didn't realize they stopped.

"They want to kill me" she whispers.

He just waited for her to get out before leaning into the car and lifting her body off the seat as it had clearly caught her attention before looking at him and pushing his hands away.

"What are you doing" y/n shouts.

She pushes him away as she takes a step out of the car and walking towards the resturant as a annoyed Ransom was following her. They sat at a booth near the back as now y/n was just staring at the table as he was just staring at her watching her every movement.

For some reason this made him feel almost  bad for her this girl that was completely   broken from just what happened a few minutes ago, Ransom was use to his family not liking him one bit or being annoyed with him.

So  this was nothing new to him not one bit.

But seeing y/n right in front of him made him realize that a lot of people aren't like him where they could easily ignore it and move on. There are the ones where it bugs them from once it just happened so he watched y/n in pain as he was just staring at her trembling from what words could do to her.

He sighed before doing the one thing that he never would do in his life.

Care for someone other then himself.

"Y/n" Ransom says finally.

She looks up from looking at the table then looking up towards him as she was still thinking while looking at him, this right here also didn't make sense.

Why was he helping her?

Throughout working for the family he would never pay any attention to her and just because they all found out she was the one that has the house and the money, Ransom was suddenly interested.

"Why are you helping me" y/n says.

Ransom looked at her taken back as he rolled his eyes knowing that he could never just help someone because in the end they didn't deserve it. He looked at her one more time before getting up and was ready to walk out the door, but instead he stopped in his tracks as y/n was now staring at his back.

Why was he stopping.

If it was anyone else he would already be out the door but because it was her why was he hesitating he looked back before taking a seat again.

Because out of all people this was happening to her out of all people and that's something that he didn't want.

"I'm going to help you" Ransom said looking into her eyes.

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