(Unlocked) captian america

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(If you would like to read the 1st part of the imagine  it is the 34th )


"Then finish it, because I'm not leaving my best girl"

Y/n looks at him breathless as all the memories make an appearance back into her head as she had stepped back off him and began looking around then looked at her hands blood covering them.

Then everything went back

Storyline: real pt2

" Come on"

"Hurry up"

They both were seen in the water dodging the fallen building that was coming right after they had landed, he looked everywhere for her to see her body floating they all fell together so they all should've had came up together

"I can't find her" he shouts

Worry starts forming in his brain splashing the water around him to just see even a glimpse of her just for a second

His name was heard from his best friend telling him to hurry up before anyone can see them just before he turned his head out of the corner of his eye he saw her

Eyes closed mouth closed

His arms were wrapped around her body holding her close and walking out of the water with each splash his steps were making his friend was looking around making sure no one had heard the noise

"What are you doing " the winter solider shouts

"I'm taking her with us" cap says slowly looking at his love

"What are you nuts"

The plan was just to take her out of the water and leave her there but now things were changing because cap did indeed find his lost love

"Who's this"

"Is that"

"Cap wanted to take her instead of leaving her like we originally decided" the winter solider says

He had put y/n down putting her metal arm in place where it could be in place and not used for anything for when she does start to wake up

His heart broke watching the love of his life unconscious and become this monster because was at the right place but wrong time. His  two friends were now just also looking at her  as y/n starts to move a bit signaling that she was waking up, they both exchanged looks from one another then looking at Cap

His heart started beating with every beat sweat started to appear on his forehead


"My back"

"My head' she starts saying slowly

The 3 guys never broke eye contact with the girl as they had waited for her too look up and meet there gaze

Y/n looked from where her arm was caught in to the 3  guys that were staring at her as she studied there facial features before seeing someone that looked familiar

"Bucky" she calls out

"I thought you were dead" her eyes were squinting now looking at him

Cap looks from his friend to then y/n that didn't even acknowledge his presences as he had waited for y/n to look at him

Y/n tries to take her arm out of where it was keeping it in place squinting her eyes knowing that her left arm that was trapped was her strongest

"Y/n" cap starts to say

"Let me out please" she whines

"Please" she shouts

Cap starts walking over towards y/n as they both stop him from getting any closer knowing dam well he wasn't about to do what she was asking

"Don't" the winter solider says looking from him then towards her that had a smirk on her lips

"She didn't even say anything about you. cap" falcon adds

Cap sighs knowing that his friends were right no matter how much he had wanted her to remember him and how much he wanted to her to be the same person she was when they first met but that person was long gone

He nods his head before looking at her once last time then walking out of the room now it was just the 3 of them

"Geez what's up his ass" y/n says finally

"Y/n that's Steve"

"Steve rogers the love of your life"

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