Steve Rogers

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Storyline: Shield


He took a step outside because he needed air some time to think about what the rest of them were doing, were they holding onto the past just like him.

Steve couldn't give up, couldn't move forward and live in a life where his girl wasn't there and his best friend.

An engine caught his attention, from afar Steve had looked towards where the car was and the smoke that was coming out of it as the car had started coming closer and closer he had took a step back waiting for the car to pass but it doesn't.

Instead the car almost passes Steve but then backs up a few, the window rolls down revealing Tony with his dark glasses and his everyday suit that he wears.

Steve and Tony both look at one another for a split second staring one another down

Tony steps out of the car making his way towards his trunk taking out the shield that makes Captain America pulling out and handing it towards the avenger.

Steve hesitates remembering the events that required the shield.

"Tony I don't know" he says.

"Why he made it for you, y/n wanted me to give it to you" Tony adds.

Steve looks down thinking of the girl that he had lost into thin air, wishing that she was with him but that this was going to be for her.

He gently takes the shield thinking of y/n

"It's okay Cap, this will be all for her for everyone we lost" Tony says looking into his eyes.

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