Steve Rogers

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Storyline: orders


"I'm going with you, Steve rather you like it or not" y/n says grabbing her coat.

Before Steve could even answer y/n was already out the tents they were in and into the pouring raining already dialing the number of Howard Stark. Steve had followed her as he built up the courage to tell her that this was very much dangerous and that this was his mess he was in.

"He was my friend too, Steve" she says turning around.

"You may not think that because you never saw us together but Bucky was really a close friend of mine. He would do the same for me if the roles were reversed" y/n says as the rain was pouring over her now.

 The rain was now hitting her damaged hair that was once nicely curled as Steve just stood there before looking down knowing that if y/n was the one to get captured he would go crazy. But she couldn't know how much the girl had meant to him from the very beginning ever since y/n had punched one of the other soldiers in the face.

For being disrespectful towards her.

Steve nodded before looking down staring at the wet ground as the water was pouring all over him.

"Hey, I'll be okay" she says smiling at him.

That's what worried him the most was the girl going to be okay because she wasn't like him that had this strength from something that scientists created, she had no shield to protect or throw at the bad guys.

Y/n was un protected at all times.

Steve would be the only one that could protect her and if he doesn't in time she could be gone forever.

"That's what I'm afraid of" he whispers.

"You know you two are going to be in a lot of trouble once you land" Steve says looking at Howard and y/n.

Y/n looks out towards the outside as Howard proceeded to start flirting with her just as he would naturally do with the opposite sex, normally the girl would ignore it like always but it seem that Steve couldn't.

"Howard, can you please just do your job" y/n spits.

The billionaire lets out a chuckle adding a few comments about how he liked his woman feisty like the girl who would always talk back whenever he would try to flirt with her. Y/n only had one man in her eyes and he was standing right next to her, watching her reactions as Howard was flirting with her.

"And you wont" she says looking at Steve.

" Where I'm going if anybody yells at me I can just shoot them" Steve says.

Cannons start shooting towards the helicopter they were in as it starts swerving into the air as y/n starts putting on her parachute  quickly not wanting to waste any time. Steve does the same before looking at the girl confused wondering why she was doing the same as him.

"You both get out of here" Steve shouts.

"Howard is taking us to the entrance" y/n shouts holding onto Steve's shoulders.

"He's taking me, not you I told you y/n this is way to dangerous" the solider shouts at the girl.

"Stay here"

"You can't give me orders" y/n shouts.

"The hell I can't, I just did" Steve says breathless before flashing a smirk and jumping out.

Y/n watches as he jumps out before Howard starts talking to her again making her roll her eyes knowing that she should be beside, Steve during this.

And that's exactly what she was going to do.

"Fuck this, I'm going" y/n says jumping out of it.

"No wait, y/n" Howard shouts looking back.

Darkness shown once she jumped out as the night time had came around no one could see if there was body un the sky, the girl pulled the rope as her parachute came out. Her feet had landed on the ground where  she hid her parachute and started running through the woods. 

Hopefully Steve wont throw a fit that she was here.

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