Captain America

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Storyline: elevators


"Let me push the button" she says running towards the elevator with her partner gently chuckling at her before following right behind her.

The elevator door opens signaling that it was at the floor where the two hero's were waiting as Cap lets the girl go first she gladly takes one step and was now in the elevator, he follows shortly after now standing right beside her.

Their hands gently brushes against one another making the girl's heart beat a bit fast as the avenger had simply smiled lightly.

As the elevator was moving now it had suddenly stopped as the doors had opened revealing Brock Rumlow and a couple other of his men right behind him filling up the elevator. Y/n had looked towards the men slowly studying them, then looking towards her partner as he had looked towards the business men that had joined in the tight space not to long ago.

The sweat was falling from his forehead as one of Brock's men had placed his hand on his gun that was near the girl as she was building up her power slowly.

The elevator had started moving once again but it had seemed like things were moving to slow as the tension was brewing.

"Before we get started does anyone want to get out" y/n says breaking the silence looking straight ahead.

A couple minutes went by as everyone had started charging towards the two as Brock had hit the red button to make the elevator stop in it's place rather than reaching it's desnation. Everyone had spread out trying to hold back Cap as y/n was shooting some of them that were charging towards her as well, the both of them were protecting one another along the way.

Brock had pulled out a glowly stick that had looked like it was made to shock people as he was waving it around y/n was being held from her neck as the men had her hands tightly gripped. She was running out of air that wasn't in her system, shutting her eyes tightly trying to use her power as the stick was  made in contact with her stomach making her slightly wince.

Cap was currently struggling to break free from the magnetic bracelets that were attached to his wrists as he was also getting shocked from the stick. Y/n had head butted the guy that was holding her neck finally making him fall down and shooting brock down getting the stick and shocking the men that were holding him back.

"Whoa y/n, I just want you to know this isn't personal" Brock says looking towards the girl with his fists up.

"It kind of feels personal" she snaps shooting him knocking him out.

"You okay" Cap says looking towards the girl holding her face in his hands seeing the bruise starting to form from where she was grabbed by the neck.

She nods smiling at him placing her hands on his as the guards had started coming towards them aiming their guns towards them. Cap had hit the elevator making them go flying down as there was even more guns aimed towards them, he closes the doors looking to where the elevator had stayed in place.

Y/n had looked down seeing that they were up high instantly shooting towards the glass making it shatter before looking at the avenger. She holds out her hand for him to take as they both jump out the elevator together , as y/n holds on tight towards the solider riding away on his motorcycle towards the gate.

A ship was pointed towards them ready to aim as the girl jumps of the motorcycle jumping on the ship and shooting her powers towards the engine making it start blowing up as Cap had threw the motorcycle directly towards it knocking it down and making it crash.

They both look at one another before sighing and breathing heavily out of breath before disappearing outside of the gate in hand and hand.

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