Steve Rogers

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Story line: breathless

"I'm in the building" she says through her ear piece.

Y/n was walking through the big building making sure not to get caught as she knew her friends were captured by what looked like the good people but sadly they weren't. Her gun was on the side of her belt buckle as she didn't want to draw any attention if she had fired it, but if someone were to charge at her she would have to use her fighting skills.

She watched as the group of guards that all looked the same were walking in a group towards the trucks.

If y/n was going to get them to take them here instead of the others, she needed to look like them and fast.

Y/n had grabbed on of them and slapped them against the wall making sure that this was going to be quick and fast, soon enough she was dressed like them and taking his place.

The group of guards walked together in groups before splitting up in different cars, two were driving up front and two were going to be inside the car with them. She had made sure she was going to be sitting with them as her weapons were ready to get them out of here.

They were now here.

Right in front of her.

"I can't breathe in this thing" she whispered catching some of there glances.

"He looked right at me, he didn't even know me" Steve starts to say.

"How is that possible he's like 100 years old" Sam says.

"Even when I had nothing I had Bucky" Steve adds.

"None of that's your fault Steve" Nat says tired from the blood she was loosing.

"We need a doctor if we don't put pressure on that wound" Sam starts to say.

Y/n had flashed her only weapon that the guards had before kicking and slamming the other guard right next to him. His body hit her foot then slammed on the ground unconscious on the ground as he was laying there, everyone had looked at this guard confused.

"That thing was squeezing my brain" y/n says taking it off her head.

"Who's this"

The 4 of them walked down the hall as Nat was being rushed to medical care as Steve was still looking down shocked that he had seen Bucky after all these years. But things weren't just adding up how did he survive and if he did where has he been all these years and why doesn't he remember him.

"Steve are you okay" y/n asks him.

He couldn't even speak his mouth was dry but his brain was shouting so many things, he stared at the girl before looking at her eyes.

"He's alive"

Y/n knew exactly who he was talking about as she had almost dropped to the floor before Sam had caught her just before her body had hit the floor.

"Y/n are you alright" Fury asks in the be he was laying in.

Sam looked at the girl confused as he was still holding onto her arm gently so that she wouldn't tip over if he would've let go.

"My brother's alive" she whispers out loud.


"Y/n where are you going" Steve says seeing that the girl was packing.

"I'm going to save him" she says putting the weapons around her belt.

"He's my only family, I have left"

Steve starts also packing as the girl was also looking at him this time confused.

"Your not going to do this alone, I have your back"

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