Ransom Drysdale

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Storyline: cleavage 


"Your wearing that"

Y/n looked at both of her detectives that were looking at the girl while either holding a cup of coffee in one hand as the other was holding his sunglasses. Her outfit was just what they were wearing but something a little more revealing, to make whatever they were going up against to talk.

"It will help us" y/n says pushing her boobs out.

Detective Benoit Blanc and Detective Lieutenant Elliot both exchange looks towards one another as Elliot had gotten up and started walking towards the door.

"Just cover up, first" Benoit Blanc says towards the girl.


All 3 of the detectives had no idea what they were going up against they all just knew someone in that house was responsible for the murder, the family was wealthy that's what the girl was catching up on as she was doing her research.

Well from what she was learning about, from the newspaper that was in her hands as the car was driving towards the destination.

She looked out the window revealing the biggest house she has ever seen looking at how fancy the outside was then looking back towards the newspaper.

"Don't get to distracted, y/n"

"I have a feeling were in for a treat" Benoit Blanc comments.

Y/n steps out of the car waiting for the two men to join her by her side as she was liking in the middle of them both, they entered the house as the girl studied the what was inside of the house.

And who were present.

"Is everyone here" Elliot asks the older woman.

"Were just waiting on my son, Ransom" Linda says smiling.

Once the name was heard the other people in the house had started rolling there eyes as well as making a few comments as well.

They weren't a fan of this so called, Ransom.

Y/n was writing down some notes in her notebook as she was leaning against the wall while the others were talking to a few of the family members.

Over hearing the conversations she decided to start writing down the main points the ones that stood out to her most as Benoit Blanc had exchanged her a few looks here and there. Y/n then looked around the house a bit more since she had the right away of being a detective looking at the foot prints from where the murder had took place.

Swiping some samples of the wall and seeing a piece of hair that was the color of brown but then turned into black once she had picked it up, wrapping the piece of hair in a tissue then putting it in a zip lock bag and putting it away quickly.

All 3 of the detectives were now outside discussing on what they all just witnessed with being with each of the family members.

"Well they all seem completely out of there mind" Elliot says.

"They seem like there hiding something" y/n says looking towards the windows.

Y/n starts pulling out the piece of hair that was in her bag and holding it up towards them looking like two different hair colors, she looked at both men then holding it up towards the light seeing brown.

"It's brown" Benoit Blanc mentions.

Then she puts it towards the shade instantly turning black

"And black" Elliot finishes.

"Whoever murdered him, is framing someone else" y/n says giving the piece of hair towards Benoit as they both look at her.

A car pulls up revealing a very annoyed, Ransom as he walks out of his car earning the 3 of them to look towards him. Y/n studies him as he was walking towards her then pushing past her and walking in between them, as Benoit and Elliot try to stop him to ask  questions.

"Sorry fellas, I don't know anything" Ransom says while chuckling and walking inside.

"Y/n-" Elliot starts to say.

"One step ahead of you" she says unzipping her jacket to reveal the shirt she was wearing that showed her cleavage.

Y/n walks in the house following the rude guy that just pushed passed her like she didn't belong there as the girl had found him in the kitchen. Ransom was eating crackers that he had found while looking at the ground, then looking at the girl that came into his view.

She grabbed a bottle of water but made sure to walk extra slow next to him just so he can catch every inch of her, y/n brought the water bottle up to her mouth drinking the cold liquid as it was now going down her throat.

Then licking her lips slowly making Ransom's mouth just hang open a bit as he was watching her every move which made y/n scream on the inside as he was now wrapped around her finger.

"Now, Ransom what do you know about the murder" y/n says softly playing with his coat.

Her face was inches from his as he can feel her breath against his then looking at her cleavage that was clearly poking his eyes at this point.

"It's going to take more then your cleavage poking out, darling" Ransom says before taking her hands gently in his and pushing them away from his coat while smirking and walking away.

Y/n then turned around to see both of Elliot and Benoit Blanc look at one another then her before sighing and face palming themselves after.

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