Captain America

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Storyline: slight crush


"How many of you ready to help me stock old Adolf on the jaw"

Y/n had heard someone say as there was a crowd of men surrounded by a small stage only one person standing on it, his voice had echoed the base. She had walked closer her eyes couldn't figure out on who this person was and why was he here, y/n had stepped on one of the cars that was parked near the stage.

"Okay uh I need a volunteer" the guy says again.

"I already volunteered how do you think I got here" one of the men say.

The rest of the men had laughed making the girl roll her eyes as the man on stage just stood there not doing or saying anything for a bit.

Y/n had now pushed her way towards the middle sitting next to some friends that she had slightly made along the way in the army life. Her vision of him was now perfectly clear as her eyes had stared at him judging him but with butterflies forming.

Who was he?

"Bring back the girls" another one of the men had shared making all of them cheer.

"I think they only have on song, but um let me see what I can do"

"Yeah you do that tinker bell" one of y/n's friend's shouts.

She looked at him before shoving him making him fall towards his right as he and all the rest of the men were sitting on the ground. Her friend looked at the girl before exchanging looks from her then towards the hero that was standing in front of all of them.

"Hey guys" he shouts standing up.

"Looks like our little girl, y/n has a crush on Tinker Bell" her friend screams.

As all the men whistle and shout towards the only girl in the army base her cheeks start turning red as some of them nudge her slightly making this scene worse then it already was.

"Shut up all of you" she shouts covering her face.

They all laugh as the girl was embarrassed in front of the solider that was just staring at her slightly smiling along the way, not wanting to look at the men that were making her feel like this.

"Come on guys were all on the same team here" he says earning there attention.

"Hey cap sign this" a guy had said flashing his ass at him.

"Man you should've let y/n do that we would've all been blessed" another one of her friends had said.

The girl gets up as everyone had shouted towards her like always throwing a few trash at her and high fiving one another, as she shoves the men that were besides her as all they do is laugh at her.

The girl had sat on a bench sketching out a drawing that she could do in her free time or to get her mind off, and today y/n was totally embarrassed by all her friends in front of the only guy that she found attractive on this base.

"Hi" a voice had said behind her.

She had met eyes with the same guy that was on stage just a few hours ago, that had just heard that she had a crush on him. Redness appeared on her face thinking about what her stupid friends just did embarrassing her towards the only guy that she had taken interest in.

"Sorry about earlier, there all a bunch of jerks" y/n had said quietly still facing her back towards him.

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