Captain America

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( pretend that the gif doesn't have Peggy in it lol )

Storyline: reversed


Everyone new this mission was dangerous and that some men were going to have to die the mighty hero that everyone loved was at risk, if he flew plane down after killing the enemy.

They would lose the mighty, Captain America.

That everyone knew and loved let alone y/n the girl that had liked him from the very beginning before he was the super solider. She loved the real him from the first car ride and finding out how much he was beaten up behind movie theaters and in alley ways.

If she could protect him any way y/n would without even thinking.

Y/n stood there taking notes as the men around her were talking on a plan to attack as Captain America was next to her pointing at the map that was laid out in front of all of them. The solider would exchange glances at the girl that was standing next to him a few times before slightly smiling then getting back to the map.

The other men had made pointers about what not to do and when to strike, the plan started with soldier going in by himself to look unarmed.

Like he wasn't with anyone and just by himself.

Then to fight a few of them off before getting "captured" and towards the mind behind it all, Red Skull but the girl had a few ideas of her own.

"May I" y/n says.

The men all pause before looking at her then they all stopped talking as Cap was listening to her as well she had put the clipboard down then looking down at the map before speaking again.

" Let me go"

Everyone looked at her confused as they all exchanged looks at one another then as the solider was about to speak before her voice talking again.

" Red Skull is expecting, Captain America when he sees me and captures me he will be confused and wondering what happened to the solider. Then once he is distracted by me, you guys will strike" y/n says.

"We aren't giving him, what he wants"

Captain America hesitates for a bit before the other men were agreeing with y/n since she had a point with everyone from the bad side expecting the solider to come and fight towards his side. But y/n going will make him question what is going on she would be like a distraction, but this was Red Skull we were talking about.

Y/n has nothing no armor.

"Howard you promise she has enough" Cap says as the armor was underneath the girls clothes.

More weapons were placed on her side of the belt as the others were on the side of her boots and behind her back.

"Y/n please be careful, okay you can even give me the signal early" Cap says looking at the girl.

She slightly chuckles before nodding and walking out while getting on a motorcycle traveling towards the building.

"Sir we have in coming"

The sound of her motorcycling was catching there attention as her gun was already aimed towards the front of her guarding her face, the men shot towards her as she did it back towards them making them go down.

"Who is that"

"That's not Captain America"

Y/n throws the motorcycle towards the group of men that were coming towards her as it had blew up as the girl had jumped to the other side hearing the explosion. The pants escaped her mouth before throwing a few bombs to create more explosions then running as fast as she could wanting to practice some of the fighting skills she learned.

As the men around her had gotten bigger y/n had tried her best not to give up as each ouch they threw at her was tiring her out, as the blood was dripping down her face. She threw a punch as it was dodged before getting one back into her stomach making her hold her stomach in pain to the ground shutting her eyes.

Her blurry vision was trying to make out what was happening before being kicked down to the ground again as the men had grabbed her holding side to side with each men on the left and right.

"Where is Captain America" Red Skull says.

Red Skull now brings his hand towards her chin making her look up at him repeating his question but this time loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"He's dead" she says.

The men dropped her body on the floor as she whined out in pain feeling the cold floor on body as Red Skull didn't believe her he didn't want to then he took it out on her.

"Your lying" he shouts kicking her.

Each kick hurt more and more as each of them had made contact with her now brusied body laying on the floor as the glass shatters, Cap was seen with his men fighting everyone else.

"Come on, y/n" Dum Dum Dugan says dragging her arm.

The broke glass was entering her skin as she couldn't feel it at this point from all the pain her body was going through.

He picked her up as another guy had held her on her right side to help her walk, from the corner of her eye she could see the love of her life getting a gun aimed towards him.

"I can't leave him" y/n whines.

Picking up all her strength and aiming her gun towards the guy that was about to pull the trigger on him.

His body fell as Cap had looked at y/n breathless before getting up and looking at the girl. He smiled before y/n had started holding her side as the blood was coming out.

Red Skull was there holding a gun while smirking

"I didn't mean to break up you're little moment" he snaps.

Everything started becoming blurry to the girl as she had fell towards the ground not knowing what was happening now.

And especially who was left.

Y/n had started flying the ship towards the water as she was in control now from the lack of blood her body was loosing.

Captain America was beside her not wanting to leave her side and wanting to end this with her together.

"I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do" he starts rambling.

"There's not enough time" y/n starts saying before looking at him.

A smile slowly showing as her hands brush the side of his cheeks then pushing his body back as he hits the end of the door.

Then falling out and landing on the ice, his body hits the ground before looking towards where y/n was at going down.

"Y/n no" he shouts.

The ice breaks as it was planted into the water creating so many crushed ice cubes that were surrounding it. Y/n was knocked out once the aircraft had hit the hard ice, her body flew somewhere in there too.

Ice started cracking around, where the Solider was standing as he didn't seem to care since he lost two people in the end.

In the end, all three of them would be together.

His body had hit the cold water him not carrying as he started sinking down to the bottom following where y/n was

To finally be with her


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