Captain America

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Storyline: help


"Can't we just stay in bed" y/n groans as Wanda chuckles at her.

Vision looks out the window as it was now pouring rain before his head started throbbing once again as his hand hold the stone that was directly in his forehead.

"Vis what is it" she says walking towards him.

Y/n was now looking up at Vision wondering the same thing as the both of them were talking about the stone now, it's been a few days since the stone has been acting up and hurting his head now. But the 3 of them were nowhere near the avengers they were taking a break and taking a break from everyone else.

Especially y/n.

She needed this, so she had tagged along with Wanda and Vision hiding away from reality and hiding away from Captain America.

As the 3 of them had walked out on the streets the girls gaze went towards the TV'S that were placed in the glass. The picture was showing unknown creatures that had entered New York as the filimar picture of the avenger was shown.

"Tony Stark missing"

"What are those" y/n says looking at the screen.

"I have to go" Vision says about to walk before the girl stopping him and stepping behind him.

"No Viz if those things are out there then we both have to protect you" Wanda says holding onto his hand.

A blade came in contact with y/n's chest as Wanda and Vision both looked towards her direction seeing the creatures have found them, the girl had squeezed her eyes shut before using her powers to get the blade  out and send it to go flying.

The blade hit her armor she wears underneath her clothes holding coming on contact with her skin just a bit but not enough to make her go weak.

"Y/n are you okay" Wanda says.

"Yeah, Wanda" y/n shouts before pushing her out of the way and catching his weapon.

"Get Vision out of here" y/n says before fighting one of them.

Wanda and Vision both make a run for it as y/n was following closely behind shooting them with her strength before Vison getting stabbed towards where it had affected him. Y/n had caught him and they both ran and fell into the train station on the floor with Wanda right next to them.

"You both need to go" Vision says looking at Wanda then towards the girl.

"You asked me if I was staying, I'm staying" she says.

"Me too" y/n says making Wanda slightly smile.

As the creatures had bsuted through the building just like them, y/n and Wanda both blocked Vision as her powers started coming out of her hands and the pain started hurting.

They started getting closer and with every step they took the blade started creating more and more pain she looked at Wanda as her blurry vison was forming.

Y/n didn't even know what was going on behind her.

What was happening and who was saving her.

"Thank you, Captain" Vision had said before being picked up by Falcon and Wanda.

He nods before looking towards the girl that had broke his heart years back she was standing there not wanting to create eye  contact with him knowing that he was staring at her. But her body had other things planned for her, as Cap had made his way towards the girl.

"Hello, y/n" Cap says looking at her.

Her eyes looked in his direction before falling back as her body falls making the avenger react quickly and catch her just before y/n's body would hit the ground.

Y/n had started opening up her eyes looking around a bit and seeing that she was in a place that had so many memories from missions. Vison and Wanda were right next to her as Vison was also getting medical treatment and the girl was healing already but he wasn't, an oxygen mask was placed on her mouth as the blade was stitched up.

He was staring at her from where the avenger was standing which was all the way in the front as Falcon had noticed and looked towards his friend.

"Just go talk to her" Falcon says.

He looks from his friend towards y/n as her eyes were now open this time and she was in fact awake he sighs then walks towards her direction. She had sat up now not wanting to say anything to anyone as Wanda tried asking her if she was alright  but no answer.

Tears started forming in her eyes as Cap had took a seat next to the girl in front of her and watching the tears being wiped away from her finger.

"Y/n" his voice says now.

She didn't answer.

"Can you at least just talk to me" he shouts making heads turn.

The girl had pulled of the mask making some sort of noises and pulling the things that were contacted into her arms as Wanda and Cap were both  now trying to tell her to calm down.

"Don't help me, Rogers in fact stay away from me" she spits at him before walking towards the back of the ship.

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