Captain America

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Storyline: protective

(by the way this imagine is from my tumblr account)

If you wanna follow it, it's "stuckyosterfield"


She was excited and practically jumping in her chair as the rest of the avengers were discussing the mission that was going to on in a few minutes. A smile never left her face as she was paying attention towards what the others had to say towards the mission, her boyfriend on the other hand was staring at her thinking about her first mission.

He didn't want her to go not one bit, from the amount of things that happen on a mission from killing then getting injured, the man didn't want to think about his girlfriend getting killed let alone hurt. Cap had crossed his arms seeing that y/n was smiling and that her perfect smile had never left her face, a small smile of his had formed looking at how happy she was.

But it had quickly faded once reality was hitting him.

She wasn't going.


He wasn't going to risk her life.

For some mission that the rest of the avengers could handle

"Y/n you'll be with me" Iron Man says catching his attention.

His heart crumbled if anything was going to happen, he wouldn't be there to save her.

Her first mission was happening today and his girlfriend, y/n wasn't even going to be with her boyfriend Captain America for him tp protect her and watch over her. He didn't like it one bit as sighed had escaped his mouth a couple of times, some of the avengers had noticed but didn't want to point it out.

"Or she can go with me" Cap says shrugging his shoulders.

Everyone's attention turned to him before some had caught on while the others were just looking at him confused maybe that was just the kid, Spider-Man but as for everyone else they had either rolled there eyes or either smirked.

"Come on Cap your gonna have to have to let her go on a mission at some point" Iron Man says looking towards the avenger.

Y/n looked at her boyfriend pouting and agreeing with everyone else knowing that he could get a little protective at some point especially when it comes towards going on missions. At some points she had thought it was cute but not this time, the girl was over it.

And over him.

"Well it's a good thing your not the boss of me" she snaps.

He looked up shocked as everyone else did the same before slightly looking the other way, her power had started building up inside her as the fire had started forming around her hands. Her hands formed a fist shaped as her hands were turning white, looking towards her boyfriend.

"I'm just looking out for you princess" he tries to reassure her.

The girl rolls her eyes

Y/n shoots the fire towards Cap making him instantly grab his shield to take cover as the fire didn't reach him in time as everyone else had grabbed there gear to also try to calm down the girl.

"I don't need you looking out for me, I can take care of myself Cap" she says walking towards him.

He looks at her as if she was crazy at this point.

"Y/n" Wanda calls instantly using her powers to calm down.

Her head turns slightly looking towards the girl, shooting at her making Wanda move it with her powers. Thor throws his ax towards y/n pushing it back towards him as the small hammer comes flying towards her as  she holds it swinging it slowly and throwing it towards her boyfriend that was on the ground.

"Princess, princess" her boyfriend calls out to her.

Y/n looks towards Cap then everyone else as they were looking towards the girl waiting for her response, she looked towards her hands. Nothing was coming out as her power was still also building up inside her but nothing was forming out of her hands, she looked towards Thor standing there with his ax and small tiny hammer next to him.

"Are you okay, sweetheart" he asks her again.

She nods.

"Babe, I know but we haven't even left yet plus I'll be with Tony" she says looking towards him.

"That's what worries me" he says.

"Hey" the avenger shouts looking offended.

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark I still appreciate you" Spider-Man says.

"Lucky you" Falcon adds.

"I'll be okay" y/n says getting up.

She pulls him in a hug as he gladly hugs her back before kissing the top of her head, but could you blame Cap this wasn't a normal mission the person they were going up against was Thanos, lets just hope a snap wont work.


"I'll be right back, babe just gonna go change" y/n says walking away and into there shared bedroom.

As the girl turns the corner her eyes land towards her hands as the fire was now forming once again and whatever her mind was playing tricks on her.

Well whatever it was.

Why did it feel good.

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