Chris Evans

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( Before I get into this imagine I have something I need to say )


2020 has been an absolute shit show, with everything going on then just to top it off another black man named George Floyd was murdered by a police officer. And that was the last straw for all of us we aren't going down without a fight this time, inccoent people are getting shot, pepper sprayed and getting injured for just having a voice.

If any of you go to the protests near you please be safe help one another out.

And if you can't go, please donate. blm homepage 2019

^ if that doesn't turn into a link, I will be posting the link on my page somewhere else.

I also want to inform you al if you are that person that is saying "All Lives Matter" right now please un follow me please do not read my stories because that is something I strongly disagree on especially right now.

Everyone has there own opinions yes I understand that and the others can slide but this one isn't, I'd like to remind everyone that no matter who you are you are always welcome on my page.

2020 is going to be end of the all of this.

I'm not black, but I hear you

I'm not black, but I will stand with you

I'm not black, but I will do everything in my power to protect you.


Story line: celebrity crush

Chris and Y/n had made there way into the small interview room that had two chairs placed in the center with a few lights hung over the chairs and in front of them as the interviewers chair was a few feet away from the front of there chairs.

He stepped behind her so that the girl could walk in front of him and go in first towards the chairs that were side by side next to one another.

Chris then followed her by also sitting down on the chair that was next to her taking a seat and looking at his co star.

"Such a gentle men" y/n gushes looking at him.

He was already smiling at her before letting out a laugh while putting a hand over his heart as the girl started laughing along with him.

"Welcome, Chris and y/n" a man says sitting in the chair that was just a few steps in front of them.

They both smile as the man in front of them was talking about today's interview and how it was going to go for a few hours, Chris wasn't really paying attention as he was mostly just making sure y/n was alright and that she was okay during this.

But I guess that's what gentlemen are naturally like right?

Well that's partly true but not only is it just natural for the handsome Chris Evans he deep down fancies the costar.

The normal questions started being asked around and they could be the most boring ones but there always the boring ones because it is in fact an interview. And they always have the same questions over and over again hoping for a different answer but they get the same one.

So why keep asking right?

Expect for one.

"Now who would you say is your celebrity crush"

Chris had sighed not wanting to know who she fancied and who she wished she was dating right now he wanted to continue living in a fantasy where that question wasn't asked right now. Where it was just her and him no one else in the picture where he was still up in the clouds thinking to himself that no guy ever had made an affect on her.

Y/n sat there not wanting to talk about any other actor since her crush was sitting right next to her but her being the awkward girl she is and didn't like the silence that was forming around in the room.

She just said the first name that came into her head.

" Sebastian Stan"

Chris went wide eyed as not only was this someone he was close with but also someone that they both were in a movie with they both worked with him like actually.

"Chris what do you think" the interviewer asks him.

"I'd fuck him" he says looking down.

"Guys we all know my celebrity crush is sitting right next to me"

Chris Evans Imagines Where stories live. Discover now