Captain America

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Storyline:  the truth


"It's me" y/n says pushing the door open.

Her hands were up in the air as both of the boys were aiming either there gun or shield towards to whoever walked in, they both were expecting it to be Iron Man but instead they got the girl that they didn't know they needed.

Both of them put down there armor before, Captain America started peaking his head from underneath his shield seeing the girl come into his view.

"Y/n, what are you doing here this could be dangerous" Cap starts to say walking up to her.

" We don't switch lives, Captain" y/n says then smiling towards The Winter Solider.

She walked passed them both before entering the abandoned building where it was filled with other inter soldier's as the both of them had looked at one another then towards the girl that was going out in the open with no one protecting her.

Both of them ran a bit closer to the girl as Bucky was aiming his gun around the 3 of them and Cap was looking straight forward along with y/n that was aiming her powers straight forward as well.

As they began getting closer and closer, y/n loos around seeing that what was the winter soldiers were all shot in the head and put in a glass vase filled with water.

Then a voice interrupted there thoughts, making Cap throw his shield and y/n's powers start coming out of her hands.

He was blocked by this glass board that was in front of him.

"What do you want" y/n shouts.

"To see an empire fall" Zemo says.

A video starts playing catching the girl's attention as she looks up at the unknown guy confused then walking closer to the screen getting a better view.

"What is this" she says.

A car was shown as driving until he appeared but he of course wasn't himself and y/n understood that because un like her brother she didn't jump into conclusions. Bucky hit the steering wheel as the car swerved and hit the tree as the car started catching on fire, her eyes wanted too look away already knowing who's car this was.

Tears already started forming and going down her cheeks as the sight of her dad being beaten to death as the blood was dripping down his face, then finally he was officially dead. Her mother was scared for her life as she just watched the love of her life be beaten to death.

"Howard" her mother screams.

Bucky then goes around the car towards her side wrapping his hand around her neck as y/n had watched in horror her hand covering her mouth hearing her mom struggle for air.

Cap had watched the girl tremble right next to him as he watched her parents die because of his best friend that was standing right next to him.

But it wasn't him it was the weapon they made him out to be.

The video ended as, y/n dropped to her knees crying out in pain as her powers were releasing from her hands making the glass shatter and Cap along with Bucky fall towards the ground. The sobs never left her mouth as Zemo was now on the ground with shattered glass around him and through his skin as he struggled to get up.

The sobs never left her mouth, her older brother had told her that there parents had passed away but this was the first time she found out by who and how. Y/n couldn't describe how she felt right now, but she knew onw thing that this wasn't Bucky's fault not one bit this was everyone's who toturted him.

Cap walked towards the girl as Bucky was picking out the glass from his armor as the soldier had gently touched the girl's shoulder. She didn't flinch she didn't try to push him off instead she leaned towards the solider accepting his offer of trying to help.

"Y/n are you okay" he says gently.

The girl nods her head as the tears never stop falling missing her parents more and more now wanting her brother just to hold her, but she knew that her brother couldn't find out especially find out who was the one who killed them.

Y/n looked up at Bucky with her vision blurry as he didn't want to make eye contact with the girl not after watching this video, as the tears never stopped falling and the sobs were never leaving her mouth.

"Is this what you wanted, to have the girl feel ripped apart" T'challa says behind Zemo that was watching from a far.

T'challa and Zemo both look at y/n that was using her powers to destroy the things around her as the sobs never left her mouth. Her blurry vision was now taking over her eye sight as both Cap and Bucky were just watching the girl fall apart.


"We can't let, Tony find out about this" y/n says looking at them both.

Iron Man was seen watching from behind the doors where y/n had just entered from a few minutes ago before things went down, with his mask off his head looking at where the video was just shown moments ago.

"I'm going to kill him"

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