Captain America

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Story line: locked up


"Wake up"

"She isn't waking up"

One of the guards looks at the girl laying in the cell probably unconscious from the last beating she had taken from the other day, the girl laid there leaning against the cell bars as blood was dried all over her face.

"Wake up"

A guard had lifted his stick and slammed it against her face as she fell back her eyes slightly opening a bit her vision becoming blurry as the laughter filled the cell.

"I don't miss that" y/n had whispered to herself looking at her now bloody hand from where she had touched her forehead.

"Yes she's awake"

"Bringing her now"

If y/n had the strength she'd break out of his cell at that moment they would grab her as she would be playing dead and try to escape but her body was too numb and she wasn't about to fight the men that had the weapons that wished she was dead already.

"Get up, Boss is calling"

Two guards picked her up as they slammed her against the wall pinning her hands back locking them with handcuffs as she was being held by tow of the men side by side.

Her feet could barley move as they were all dirty and injured from the lacks of beatings she took each night, from not waking up when she was suppose too or just because they were bored.

Y/n walked down the halls of the SHIELD in what seemed like forever the halls were never ending in her opinion as the people that were in the building didn't even seem to notice her. They did they just weren't aloud to say anything about it, so they just continued doing there job if anyone were to ask why she was here or who she was well that would be their last.

So it's best not to ask

Captain America walked around the millions of planes that reminded him of his life before the ice where the war was never ending where they didn't ever know how long it will take for it too actually.

Fury began explaining about how this right here was a good idea that there wasn't anything wrong with it.

His eyes looked around the building they were in as there were so many of them and for what reason this couldn't be the only possible reason right?

"This isn't freedom " Captain America finally says pointing at all of the things around them both.

"Ya your telling me" y/n says walking towards them both.

Both men turn there attention towards the girl as Cap's expression instantly changed as he saw this girl that looked like death, barely hanging on by a thread.

And why did Fury have her?

Wasn't he on the good side, so why her?

Y/n stood there wanting to pass out as she was leaning on the guard that was holding her up as her tongue was dry and the only thing that she was tasting was her own blood. Her body was bruised her legs were tied she was exhausted, from the nights she spent in the cell that no one knew about.

Only certain people.

And the Avengers weren't one of them.

Fury looked at the guard before signaling to take her over their as her feet could barley function mostly the two men just pushed her roughly to start walking , the avenger never stopped looking at her.

"Who is that" he questions.

Everyone in the building looked at Captain America, before looking at Fury then back towards there computers and typing away.

"No one important " Fury says walking to the other side of him trying to block her.

"Fury who is that" Captain America shouts now.

The agent doesn't meet his eye contact before looking at y/n that was barely breathing not thinking his plan through any more then looking at the avenger.

"Let's just say we needed some way to get him here"

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