Bucky Barnes

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Storyline: hardest goodbyes


Today was the day she was dreading the most, the girl had made the choice to say goodbye to him each time this would come around, where he would have to leave because of his choice of work. Half of the men around this time were soldiers in the army and they all had to leave to protect and fight for our country.

Y/n had made the descion to date someone and eventually fall in love with one of the soldiers that had caught her eye. Even though she promised herself that not being with her significant other all the time wasn't what she had wanted for herself.

She wanted to be able to see him 24/7 and not have to count the days when she would be able to see him again.

But things have changed.

Ever since y/n had met the love of her life, Bucky James Buchanan  Barnes knowing that he was in the army since the uniform was never off his body. He caught her eye once he had entered the bar with his best friend, Steve Rogers instantly flirting towards  her  just to hear her laugh.

That night y/n gave her phone number to him and ever since they started dating and began moving in together even if she knew he had to leave in the end.

But not because he wanted to, but because it was his job.

Y/n always had thought of when Bucky was away he could come back and just decided over night that he didn't want to be with her anymore and with that answer she could be miserable just like that. Bucky soon has kept leaving her surprised as he would always come back giving her a long lasting hug as he had missed her touch.

There was never not one single day where Bucky never didn't think about his girl back home waiting for him everything he did in the war was for her, to protect her. That way in the future that this war would be over and never have to rise again where they would have to be apart, every time he was shot down she was the only one making him get back up.

Her hugs were what he had missed the most about her, when reuniting with her that was the one thing he craved the most was to be held by her.

Living under a tent for days and months weren't safe places for him being in her arms was the only safe place for him.

Y/n had rolled over thinking about how this was her last day with him before he would ship out to England tomorrow morning, Bucky was still sleeping by her as his hand was wrapped around her stomach holding tight and not wanting to let go.

Her thoughts were making her overthink more and more that he can one day just not come back to her which made y/n want to never have to picture that day.

Bucky had moved a bit in his sleep as the girl was now looking at him smiling slowly at the sight of him his hand had pulled her closer to him making her chuckle lightly looking at her sleepy boyfriend in his sleep.

"Bucky" she whines.

He doesn't respond instead he makes a few noises with his mouth loving the feeling that she was right next to him, the first time he had left after calling y/n his girlfriend sleeping in a one bed with her nowhere next to him.

Made him feel empty inside.

Bucky was now officially up as y/n was taking shower and getting ready for tonight she was curling her hair and putting on some makeup, as for Bucky was just waiting downstairs for his girl to join him. She added the look with a pretty dress to go along with it, as adding a few jewelry towards her neck and wrist then making her way down the stairs.

"Y/n you look breathtaking" Bucky says slowly.

She smiles at him before taking his hand slowly and walking out the door hand in hand, the streets of Brooklyn that were filled with lights everywhere. Some guys around the two were eyeing y/n up and down from the clothes she had picked out for there night out, Bucky was soon to realize and hold the girl tightly by his side.

"Where is Steve meeting us" she asks.

"He should be over there" Bucky calls out.

Steve was seen nowhere as his best friend knew exactly where he was at probably getting beaten up somewhere in an alley or behind a movie theater, Bucky had told y/n to wait for the both of them to come back.

As he went  to go rescue  his friend from whatever beating he was getting himself into right now.

Y/n was now by herself enjoying the lights that were hung above her waiting for her boyfriend to come back with probably a hurt Steve, she would always offer to go with him but Bucky being the gentlemen like he is doesn't want to see him fighting.

So he suggests she should wait for them.

"What's a beautiful lady like yourself being by herself on this lovely night" a guy had said making y/n turn around.

"I am actually waiting for my boyfriend" she says smiling.

"If you were my girl, I'd never leave your side" the guy says smiling.

"Well it's good thing she's not yours, pal so get lost" Bucky says staring at the guy who was hitting on y/n.

"Steve" y/n says seeing that his eye was sore.

Y/n, I'm fine please it's just a scratch" Steve starts to say as y/n was cleaning it up.

"I leave you alone for 2 minutes and men are already trying to hit on you" Bucky says glaring at the guy that was walking away to his friends now.

"That's not the point right now, Buck" y/n says dabbing Steve's eyes with napkins.

"107 Sergeant James Barnes shipping out to England first thing tomorrow morning" Bucky says raising his hand up to his forehead.

"Don't do anything, stupid until I get back" Bucky calls out to Steve.

"How can I, your taking all the stupid with you" Steve shouts back.



They both hug one last time as y/n was watching them from behind smiling at how there friendship was and how she loved having someone like Steve in her life.

"Hey don't win the war until, I get there" Steve says.

Bucky turns around one more time smiling at him then giving y/n a kiss on her lips already missing those even though it was just for a few seconds without them.

" I'll be back, princess" he says holding her once more.

All the couples were saying goodbye to one another just like all the other times they had to say goodbye, y/n never wanted to let go of him she never wanted to experience this ever again. But this was his life and so be it this is her life too, she looked into his eyes before attaching her lips to his.

"I'll be back, I promise" Bucky says again.

He places a kiss against her forehead before leaving but still never breaking eye contact with her until she was completely out of his view.

"I'll miss you"

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