Captain America

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Story line: musicals


"Sounds like a good idea" y/n says flipping through the pages of her boring magazine

His partner exchanges glances from his kids that were smiling and nodding there heads in agreement as the snow was covering there windows from New York during Christmas time

"See y/n agrees"

He smiles then laughing a bit after that

"And your coming with" he adds laughing at the end

"Just because were partners does not mean we have to do everything together" y/n says rolling her eyes while getting up

"What even is this crap" she questions

"You'll see when we get there" he adds

"I can't believe you brought me here" y/n says mumbling in her seat

"Shut up and enjoy the show" Clint says quietly as someone from behind them had told them to shush

Y/n exchanges glances from him then wanting to kill whoever had the audacity to tell her to quiet down when the show hasn't even started yet

"Thank you" Clint says smiling while looking at the old man

"He's just lucky I don't break his hip" she whispers to him this time

The lights dim down as the curtains start opening and the most what the fuck type of shit was this was happening right now

Her jaw dropped

Clint's jaw dropped

They both looked at each other confused as there team was on the stage the avengers were being seen dancing and singing

Clint's eyes landed on Black Widows

As y/n's landed on Captain America's as her heart was breaking all over again and her farewell to him was replaying in her head

It felt like it was yesterday

Why things had changed in her life after that day where the love of her life had decided to be with his first and only love

Why she decided she didn't want to be by herself so she followed Clint

They both lost someone that day


"So your going back to her" y/n says looking at him as he had just said his goodbyes to Bucky

He didn't answer he just stared at her then after looked at the ground

"Unbelievable " Was I just the second choice someone to distract you from losing the love of your life was I just not her I wasn't good enough for you so your done" "Your breaking up with me and calling it a day" "I've been ghosted before Steve but never this going back to return the stones and just won't come back is that what's in now"

"Please y/n" Steve starts to say


"Your the love of my life"

"But I'm not yours" "It's okay"

Steve leans in to kiss her cheek as tears were streaming down her face as she was falling apart from the last time she was going to see Steve for a very long time

"Y/n" Bucky and Sam call out

She walks slowly to the bench looking over the lake as an old man was sitting on the bench as his eyes were just looking straight forward before looking at her

"Steve" she calls out

"Hello princess" he says softly playing with his ring

It wasn't Steve in the show he didn't even look like him in one bit but each time she looked at him her heart was cracking and cracking ready to just snap in half

"I have to go" y/n says looking at Clint jumping to her feet and running to the alley

Her breath was caught in her throat as she felt like she couldn't breathe and her body was frozen she couldn't move y/n was struggling

Y/n had screamed and screamed kicking and punching the wall as she was destroying whatever was in front of her

'Fuck" "Fuck you Steve" she screams

As she threw her ball of power she had created towards the wall as it had flamed and went straight through

"Still as powerful as ever"

"What are you doing here" y/n says not even looking up

"Just to see how you were doing"

"Please" "If you would've cared you would've been here a long time ago" y/n says rolling her eyes

"Who's in trouble" she asks

"The face of Captain America"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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