(unlocked) Captain America

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*unlocked imagine*

Storyline : wrong side pt. 2


"Shut up" she says before putting a mussel on Loki so that he couldn't talk anymore

"Thor can we keep the girl here, I have this weird feeling that she's important in some kind of way" Tony starts to whisper towards the God

He looked at y/n as she was handcuffed next to Loki as she was making jokes about how he couldn't talk making him just roll his eyes.

"I trust you Stark"


Loki and y/n were standing outside of the brand new avenger tower that was freshly re built from what they had caused, as they both were hand cuffed as y/n slightly had a smirk on her face before looking at Loki.

"Hey hey don't even think about it" Thor says coming up towards the two of them.

"Oh come on Thor, do you really think we would do that again" y/n says looking at him.

Thor looked from his brother then the girl that had took Loki's mussel off using her powers that were some how taken off.

"Well thank you for this reunion but I think it's time to go" y/n finally says before releasing Loki's handcuffs that were holding his hands together

Before Thor could even react the two of them were gone as he had looked around seeing that no body was around him expect the other  avengers that were talking among one another.

"For fuck sakes, Loki" Thor whispers to himself

"Couldn't do that sooner" Loki says looking at y/n

She stays quiet not wanting to think about what had just happened back there what would've happen if she didn't get out of there they would've had taken her.

Loki looks at the girl now as she was quiet not responding to him like per usual

"Y/n" he calls after her

After all of these years how did they find her she made sure to leave no tracks from her past of how it all started she made sure that no one could find her no one would ask questions of who she was and how she got these powers


"No not her"

"She's already broken enough"

"Bring her over here "

Y/n was brought closer to the man behind the red mask as the  pain in her eyes were slowly  just stuck in her eyes but never disappearing, she was slient and stared back at the man that was staring at her.

"She's going to be the key"
"And he's going to be the lock"

"They'll be a team the most dangerous team, Hydria has ever created"

So they were

They were trained together even if they did have two different powers her partner was built to kill and so was she, they were brainwashed together although she wasn't as badly as  he was because she was already so broken and so numb that she was in that mindset at the time that she could do anything you would tell her without no hesitation

But the toturted had tramziated her so badly , that she had to listen to his screams from the distant even though the person she was back then and the person she is now are two different people.

She couldn't remember his name no mater what

Who he was?

Where he is now, they were sent too different places and she manage to escape and never look back but her mind still crosses over to her partner hoping that he was still alive in any way and that he was okay and away from the people that made both of there lives a living hell.

She just wanted him to be okay

"We have to get away from here, Loki somewhere far" y/n says looking at Loki quickly

He looks at her studying her knowing that something was indeed wrong but didn't question didn't ask because he knew that being by her side for this long knowing her this well something was coming.

"Yeah so we have a problem" Thor starts to trail off

They all look at him as some of them were about to get in there cars as others were just standing around before looking behind him thinking they would see the two of them behind him but there were no one.

"Where's y/n and Loki" Cap questions

"Gone" he says quietly

"I'm sorry what" Tony questions

"Can't keep an eye on him for one second" Black Widow says 

"Why is this girl so important, Tony" Thor asks

"She looks familiar like I've seen her before" Tony trails off

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