Chapter 55.

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Yuya looked over, at the others. The seemed to be happy, with this idea, for the wouldn't have to do just what Declan tells them to do, instead they can all work together to make a wonderful plan, which everyone is comfortable with.

Though, Yuya still thought that making everyone comfortable wouldn't be the top priority, when making this plan.

Declan beckoned them to sit down, and so they did.

"I believe that some of you might be wondering why I haven't come up, with a plan already," Declan glanced, in Yuya's direction, making sure he knew that he was an open book, "Would any of you like to guess."
"Yuya," Declan let himself smile smugly, "Would you care to answer?"
'He wants me to answer?!' He thought, 'I guess there's no hiding your thoughts, from Declan. Wow, it's almost like he's psychic.'
"Well, could it be that you want to get information on the enemy, first?" Yuya added a shy laugh, at the end.
"What!" Yuzu accidentally let herself yell that, "Did you grow some brains, when you went?"
"Hey, I've always had brains!"

Many people chuckled, at the last comment Yuya had made, which made Yuya realise how much they looked down, on him.

No one really thought Yuya could accomplish anything, not even himself. So, why try? It's always going to be the same outcome. After all, it's destiny, and destiny can't be changed (or can it?).

If it could be, would it change, for Yuya?

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