Chapter 46.

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"We're here!" Yelled Yuri.
"Great, right Yuya?" Yuto smiled, like he was trying to calm him. Although he didn't really need it.
"Yep!" Even so, he smiled back.

Knocking, Yuzu's father came to the door. A shocked expression formed, on his face. Then, he pulled Yuya, into a tight hug. He didn't let go, for a while. After all, apparently, he was reported missing, because he hasn't talked to them.
"Yuya?" A familiar voice said.
Suddenly, anxiety befell him, which he, almost, forgot the feeling of.

Turning around, he saw Yuzu standing there. Tears in his eyes, he hugged her. It has been years, since they have seen each other, talked to each other.

"Where did you go?" She was crying, as well.
"Well, it's a long story," He tried to laugh it off, "I'll tell you about it later. Anyways, where's Gong, and the others?"
"Well, that's, also, a long story..." Yuzu looked away.
Yet again, I felt anxious, but this time I felt it more intensely. What happened? Was it something bad? Did they die?

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