Chapter 21 (late valentines).

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The murder put his hand on the knob of the cabinet. Gently, he opened it, revealing Yuya and Yuto.

"Well, well, well, this is where you were hiding," he whispered, with a grin.

Without hesitation, Yuto span round to protect Yuya. The man brought out his knife. Drew closer, and stabbed him. Blood dripped from his back staining his and Yuya's clothes.

"Yuya...," muttered Yuto.

"Y-yes," he answered.

"Will you be my valentine?" he smiled.

"Of course. However, you will have to be here for me...,"

"I will try,"

The man removed the knife, and walked away. As Yuya looked into Yuto's eyes, they seemed dull. While tears streamed down  Yuya's eyes, Yuto smiled.

"I'm glad you accepted," Yuto said.

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