Chapter 17.

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Yuto, and Yuya looked at each other. Then, the crystal. Suddenly, they saw Declan walking towards them.

"What were you two doing?" Questioned Declan.

The pair froze.

"We heard some noise fro the alleyway, so we went to investigate..." answered Yuya.

Before going, Declan gave both males a glare. Yuya flinched, at this, but quickly recovered. When he was gone, both boys sighed.

"Why is that boy so mysterious?" Sighed Yuto, "I just don't understand."

Yuto shook his head. Walking away, Yuya followed.

Although, Yuya couldn't keep up, with the pace of Yuto. Soon, they got home, which was Yuto's home. At first, Yuya was surprised that Yuto showed him his house, but he got used to the surroundings.

His house was quite clean. It seemed like, there was not a spec of dirt, anywhere. Moreover, all dishes were clean, and every piece of clothing folded.

"Wow, your house is so clean." Smiled Yuya.

"Not just mine," Yuto spoke, "Well, I hope not just mine."

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Well, will you move into this house, with me?"

Shocked by this, Yuya took some time to respond.

"I-I accept!" exclaimed Yuya.

The pair smiled together.

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