Chapter 39.

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"Can you hear that?" Yuya asked.

"Nope." Yugo replied.

"Exactly! They aren't fighting, anymore!" he cheered.

"That's great."

"Tell me what your city is like!"

"Sure! It's super fun, with everyone, but I hate all the higher ups, thinking they're better, than us. It's, still, exciting to run away, from the cops. They haven't caught me, yet, and they never will!" Yugo exclaimed, happily.

"Wow, I wish I spent more time there!" Yuya said.

"Still, it's depressing, having to stay down, in that dump. It's home, though."

"It must've been horrible to have to go through that."

"It's fine!" he reassured, "If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have met Rin Rin!"

They sat, in silence, for a while longer. Speaking about their friends, it made them remember them, and, when they remember them, they regret leaving.

It has been two years, since Yuya started living, with Yuto, and he hasn't been, in contact, with his friends, over that period of time.
Even if he didn't miss getting hit, by her fan, Yuya missed Yuzu. She was his first friend, and he feels horrible, for not speaking to her.

"You know, I miss my friends." Yuya said.

"Me, too. What were yours like?" Yugo asked.

"Well, there was Yuzu. She wasn't always the nicest, but she was my first friend. She, and I grew up, together. Even so, I haven't talked to her, in years. Then, there's Gong. He pushed me to be the best, and he was there, for me, when no one was. I could go on, and on about my friends, but we would be sitting here, for ages!" he smiled.

"Yeah, I know how you feel. By the way, shouldn't we let them out, now?"

"Give them a little longer."

"Sure, why not?"

In the room, Yuri decided to make conversation. At first, it was awkward, and annoying to be trapped, in a room, with your enemy, but, now, it seemed like a good idea.
You could bond, with someone you hated, and build a new friendship. Although, you might, still, hate them, you will a little less.

"So, how are you?" Yuri asked.

"Fine, you?" responded Yuto.

"I'm the same."

It went quiet, again, but Yuri wasn't going to let this talk flop, for he knew a secret method to get Yuto to talk.

"How much do you love Yuya?" Yuri smirked.

"How much? I love him SO much! I couldn't live, without him. He's so cute, and, every time I look, at him, I feel my heart beating, none stop. I think about him, all the time. I won't sleep, until I know he's save," Yuto explained, "It's, all most, impossible how perfect he is. When I look, into his eyes, I feel like I'm getting lost, in them. Oh, I'm going, on a rant."

"What's your favourite thing about him?"

"I can't choose! He's, too perfect!"

Yuya, and Yugo could hear talking, again, but, this time, it wasn't arguing. It seemed they were having a discussion about something they both love.

"Are they fighting, again?" sighed Yugo.

"I don't think so. I think they're having a respectful conversation." Yuya said.

"But that's impossible!" he yelled.

Yuya opened the door to see them both smiling. Honestly, it deeply confused him. Never, in his life, did he think they would get along. Then again, he did trap them, I'm a room to stop arguing.

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